Man vs. Nature

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After Rett had discovered evidence of the escapade of the baby cow and remembered the cougar, he thought about investigating the woods to go after the baby cow but didn't want to be unprotected. He had a fully loaded Winchester in the Kodiak gun case sitting right against the side of the entertainment set which he thought useless unless you liked to melt your brain cells. He preferred to stay active, hunting was His favorite hobby. Anyway, Rett took off running with smooth fluid movements he still was able to make from His High school days in football. He ran to the house through the kitchen and to the gun safe. When River saw him carry the well-oiled old Winchester outside She ran after Him to ask what he was up to. As soon as she questioned, the calm and kind response as He opened the rifle and shut it to double check to see that it was full. Go inside lock the doors stay in the house till I get back to keep you and the kids safe With that He ran off. River stared in the direction of the woods and then Celia walked up to be by Her mother's side the worry in Her eyes made River realize this could be a traumatic time a memory that Her daughter would most likely never forget so she knelt beside Celia's side and looked deeply into her eyes and reassured Her don't worry darling your father is taking care of us we need to take care of the house while he's away. And so River gathered the children and they went into the living room River got a game out for them and played it for a while then told the kids she had to make a call. As Rett was headed into the woods the cat and baby were headed for the cache site the baby was young but not too young to be able to walk the wildlife photographer had been following the Mama and Baby attentively she had named them Mittens and Grizz the photographer knew within Her gaze at the Mother and Baby the baby was quite strong and aggressive and would make a good fighter and a mighty hunter of prey.

Rett made it a fast pace. Heart beating rapidly with the adrenaline pumping after reaching the top of the hill He quickly entered the woods. He did a quick pan of the woods with the naked eye breath ragged from exertion, He then separated the protective cover to His XTR Scope setting His chin to the side of the Rifle while holding lightly to the trigger supporting the barrel with the left hand swallowing hard trying to steady His sight, breath, and arms, sweeping from side to side slowly. Nothing. He quickly applied the cap to Scope and continued. River grabbed Her cell phone and retreated into another room the kids were playing happily but Celia was still alert to the things around Her. River dialed the number and waited while it rang... soon a voice said River I'm busy with a paper due in about fifteen min while She talked she scribbled along the college-ruled report the title was An Argument of Is Kissing in Public Wrong? What's the matter River? Something is happening here because Rett just came into the house quickly, ran to the gun safe, and grabbed the Winchester in the gun safe. Did He say where He was going? Angela asked.  River said Well, He ran off into the woods and still hasn't come back but that's not what I'm calling about Angela interjected well I only have less than fifteen minutes now so make it snappy! 

Well, I.. I... I'm not so sure It's wise to reveal the contents I'll get rid of the whole thing. Wait River wait I don't think it's fair to that man to get rid of His feelings like that! River said what do you mean believe it or not I know He's younger than me but I guess you could call Him a man. OK so if I don't get rid of the letter what do I do with it I don't want Rett to find it. River Angela said what if you try something different. Like what? Try the truth tell Him. Celia began to cry River said ok looks like I've got to go. Angela said perfect I just finished the paper and am headed out see you soon River said talk later. 

Rett moved along into the woods. He came to a clearing with a rotting stump with a long fallen tree the ground was peppered with lots of pine needles. Along the ground, sprouting grass dispersed among the needles. Again he panned the ground His eyes caught a lump on the ground up against a tree half-covered with bits of ground-fallen leaves. Scattered along the carcass upon further inspection He noticed it looked a lot like the baby cow he was looking for dread came over his countenance He felt a cool chill flow over his body. The worry was, what would he be giving to his brother? 

Well, the cougar was still out there so He repositioned the gun within his retightened grip with silent anger within it he was lost in a piercing stare that if you got in the way his eyes would leave a lancing of ice to linger within you. An uncomfortable silence as the tendons and muscles stretched and contracted he took action and ran. He ran to a gradual climbing hill with thin small short birch trees some pine trees were spread out along the hill He stopped quickly next to a pine to get a better look because He finally found the momma cougar with her baby. He quickly backed into a Douglas and took time to get a sight of the mother His rifle repositioned sweeping toward the baby and then back at the mother boom. The kickback caught Him off guard. To tell the truth, he hadn't been using His rifle that much when He felt some pain in his right shoulder all this took but a few seconds but when he looked back up the cougar was gone that silent anger flared up again. So he ran after the cat.

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