Part 5- Whatever you want.

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"Right, shopping centre is just here. Will, toby, if you want anything just ask ok? We'll stick by you guys but if you want we can leave you alone and just hangout with eachother." Phil said.

"Uhm i think i'm fine with just being with Techno and Tom." Will said and Toby nodded in agreement.

"Ok, i'll show you where we'll be sat and we'll tell Techno if we go anywhere else." Kristin smiled.

They walked inside and Phil and Kristin sat down in a coffee shop and Techno dragged everyone else off.

"Right, dad said we can get basically whatever we want. I have money. Tommy, we're here for Will and Toby so if you need something sure but i'm not letting you spend £100 just cos you want to." Techno said.

"Aw." Tommy said sadly.

"I think a good first stop is clothes. You can have whatever you want, you pick. I'm not gonna force you to wear anything." Techno whispered the last 2 sentences to Will.

Toby ran off with Tommy and Will walked around with Techno.

"Wait you said you were trans too right?" Will asked techno quietly.


"How do you- well- i dunno how to say it."

"Deal with chest thingys?"

[help i didnt know how to write will asking abt it so thats the best i came up with]


"Binder. It helps with dysphoria. We can get you some if you want. They don't sell them here but online they do." Techno explained.

"Sure. I'd like to try some stuff."

"Alright, i'll show you some later. For now what clothes do you want?"

They shopped around and selected some stuff and Toby ran back to them with stuff in his hands.

"Can i have these?"

"Sure." Techno smiled. "Whatever you want bud."

Tommy ran back over smiling.


"Hello tommy. Do you guys wanna look at some other stuff?"

"Sure!" Tommy said excitedly, leading Toby away again.

Eventually they moved on from main clothes and techno decided shoes were next.

"Where shall we go for-"


Will grabbed Tobys hand as he flinched.

"Quiet tommy." Techno said.


Will stopped and knelt down next to Toby.

"It was loud already and then..."

"I know tobs, i know."

Techno dug around in his bag and pulled out black ear defenders.

He handed them to Will who carefully placed them on Toby and smiled.

"You good now?"

Toby nodded slightly.

Techno lead them to vans where he explained what was going on.

"You can pick any shoes. We'll get you the right size. Pick whatever you want."

Will wandered around and Techno spoke quietly to Toby as he showed him some options.

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