Part 11- That horrible noise and that terrifying thought

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"Whats that?" Wilbur asked loudly as an alarm went off.

Techno covered his own ears and looked annoyed. "Fire bell."

"I see why Tubbo didn't like it." Wil said, covering his ears.

"Everyone out."

"Sir i didn't know there was a drill today. I'm supposed to be told." Techno said.

"I didn't know there was one Orion. I'm sorry."

That lodged worry into Wilbur's chest. If it wasn't a drill what did that mean? Was there an actual fire?

They evacuated the building, Wilbur sticking close to Techno, worried.

"What do we do?" Wil asked.

"We have to line up in tutors. I need to find Ade though, it's too loud and i'm worried and-"

"Not helping techno."

"Sorry! I just need to tell our Tutor we're here and then-" He moved his way through the people.


Wilbur found himself alone.

"Fuck." He muttered, pushing his way through the people.

He wandered back out to the empty space where the teachers stood around, talking and as confused as everyone else.

Tears began to fall from his eyes and his vision blurred but Techno was soon at his side again.

"Sorry, i'm here, Wil it's ok."

Techno was panicking at the same time but knew he needed to take care of Wil too.

"Let's just find Ade or Mr Gray."

Techno pulled Wilbur by his blazer sleeve to the groups of teachers.

"Ade!" Techno called.

"Orion. Will. Come here, have you told your tutor you're here?"

"Yes i just did that. It's loud." Techno complained.

"I know, come sit down with me over here." Ade, the student support teacher, led them to a quieter corner.

"Do you have some of your stuff?"


"Ok just sit here and i'll figure out what happened, if you need anything just ask."

"Wil, it's gonna be ok."

"What if its an actual fire? What if it spreads everywhere? What if-"

"Wil, calm. It's going to be ok. Whatever happens they'll deal with it."

Sirens could be heard in the distance.

"I'm worried."

"Me too Wil, but we'll be ok."

After a while people started filing back to classrooms.

Ade walked over to them and sat down opposite both of them.

"So there was a fire in Technology-"

"What?" Techno asked loudly. "Like an actual fire?"


"But we were in English!"


"Thats like... i dunno how far but close!"

"Well thats about all the info. You can go back to english if you want or you can hangout with me for a bit."

"Dad won't let us go home probably so stay with you."

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