chapter six

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chapter six.

marlena wasn't about to let alex north win against her.

But looking at the locked door of the room marlena was in, she felt like she was left with no choice.

Picking the lock had been unsuccessful, as had trying to break through the barred window.

Throwing herself against the door in an attempt to break it down.

marlena found that the only thing she was achieving with her breakout attempts was a bruised shoulder.

Giving up on knocking down the door, she sat down on the bed in the room and looked at her shoulder.

marlena needed john to take care of her bruises and bumps.

john told her he would always protect her.

How he had looked at those bruises like he wished they were on his body, and not on hers.

marlena wrapped her arms around herself, trying to ward off the sudden chill she was feeling.

The feeling was a combination of fear, worry, and loneliness.

marlena was being held captive by a maniac who wanted her, and would stop at nothing when it came to getting her.

A man who was unpredictable, and dangerous, and needy.

Her lover was in the hospital, recovering from a gun shot wound, thanks to the same man who was now holding her.

marlena hoped that john didn't do anything stupid when he found out that she was missing, something like leave the hospital.

But marlena knew that he was doing that anyway.

He would be looking for her in a heartbeat, and while marlena was worried about him, she was glad, If anyone could find her it would be john.

john would follow the clues, do the research, and find the spot where marlena was being detained.

He would barge in and cause hell for all those involved, and then he would run into her room and sweep her off her feet, holding her in his arms and telling her that he loved her and would always protect her

john would tell her that he was lost without her, and that he felt like a piece of him died when he found out she was missing.

He would tell her that she was the girl in his dreams.

Oh, who was kidding? That happened in romance novels, not marlena life. Especially her life with john, he wasn't one for affection and strong words.

He held her at night, and he kissed her at the right times, but he never just kissed her for the hell of it Or swept her into his arms for the hell of it.

meanwhile at john's loft.

john leaned against the couch as a sharp pain shot through his body.

The wound was bothering him, but

he didn't care as he typed away at his laptop.

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