chapter Ten

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chapter ten.

"You little tramp, this is all your fault!" screeched kristen as she launched herself at marlena.

bo held her back as he trying to stop her from going at marlena.

"Shut up, kristen, marlena said as she fighting back.

john dying because of you!, twisted his mind and played with his heart.

He was heartbroken, and he couldn't sleep because of you.

john was only coming down here because of you!, If he dies, it will be on your head!, Kristen  cried out.

kristen!, john is not going to die,

bo assured her.

"You're right, If he dies, it will be on my head said marlena as she sunk into one of the hospital chairs in the waiting room.

marlena don't listen to kristen said hope as she bent down so that she was eye to eye with marlena.

"This is not your fault, this is no one's fault, johm was tired because of reasons out of everyone's control, and he just happened to lose control of the bike.

It happens and he will be ok, He's going to wake up very soon, hope told her friend.

"We don't know that, said marlena through her tears.

"Yes, we do, He'll be ok, hope assured her.

kristen way into john's room before marlena could.

kristen?, questioned john as he looked at her.

"You look like hell, kristen told him.

"Thanks and I feel like hell, so marlena  didn't want to come see me?,

john asked kristen said as he tried to hold back his tears.

she hates you john, you need to deal with that and  she left town a little while ago, and I don't think she's coming back, kristen lied to him.

"No, you're lying, she wouldn't do that to me.

marlena wouldn't leave without saying goodbye and she doesn't hate me,

She loves me, she left me a message, john told Kristen.

john, I don't know what to say, I'm sorry, but she left, but it doesn't matter,  You don't need her.

She just causes trouble anyway,

You need to focus on getting better now so that you will be well enough for your little trip, kristen told john.

"What trip?, john asked her in confusion.

"Our trip to London!, Kristen told him.

"You're crazy!, I love marlena, not you And as soon as I feel better, I am going to find marlena and tell her how much I love her.

I am going to win her back, and nothing you say is going to change that! Now get out!, john yelled.

"But john…, said Kristen.

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