An Average Day At School? Not So Bad.

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A/N: I decided to make an original chapter! So soon?! I know it's kinda unusual. The thing is, I want Kita to hold the main spotlight next chapter. My thoughts were since Bocchi had an entire half an episode to her and Kita, this would be a good alternative. This way you also get to see more of what Y/n's like at school. Anyhow, I hope you enjoy!

Nijika: "Get up already!"

He's awoken by Nijika dragging him out of bed. He falls with a light thump.

Y/n: "I'm up! I'm up."

Nijika: "Geez. Why didn't you wake up sooner?"

Y/n: "Sorry, sorry. You know I'm not a morning person."

Nijika: "Honestly! Where would you be without, huh? You'd never be on time for school."

Y/n: "Hai, hai. I'd be nothing without you."

Nijika: "You really wouldn't."

Y/n: "I'll be ready in a moment."

Nijika: *She nods* "Good."

She turns around and heads for the door.

Nijika: "By the way, no breakfast today."

Y/n: "Why not?!"

Nijika: "There's nothing in the fridge."

Y/n: "Oh."

Nijika: "Forgot?"

Y/n: *He sighs* "Forgot. Let's get something on the way."

Nijika: "Already ahead of you."

She holds up Y/n's wallet.

Y/n: "Oi!"

Nijika: *She smiles* "Better get dressed quickly!"

She swiftly closes the door. Fast footsteps can be heard as they race down the stairs.

Y/n: I would end up paying either way, so oh well.

Knowing that his wallet is doomed no matter what, he takes his time getting dressed. His hair was particularly stubborn today. After ensuring he had everything he needed, he heads downstairs.

Nijika: "Took you long enough."

Y/n: "You're up too early!"

Nijika: "You're up too late."

And thus continues their eternal rivalry. Nijika does wake up early. She always makes it to Y/n's house dressed and prepared for school. By the time she arrives, Y/n is still sound asleep. So it's actually Y/n's fault for Nijika waking up so early. 

Nijika: "You never complain when I'm here with breakfast."

Y/n: "Well..." Well, she's not wrong. But I don't want to admit that!

Nijika: *She smiles smugly* "Can't refute that, can you? Y~/N~Kun~"

Y/n: She's got me there. "Yeah, yeah. You're right."

Nijika: "Are you going to bring one of them today?"

She motions toward his guitar room. 

Y/n: Hmm. Should I? "Nah, we won't have enough time."

Nijika: "What if Masamune-san brings his?"

Y/n: "Then I'll obviously bring one! Any competition is the best competition."

Nijika: "Well, I don't know about Masamune-san, but I think Ryo-"

Without another word, Y/n grabs Voodoo Child.

Y/n: "Today's the day! The challenge I've been waiting for finally finds me!"

Another day sitting behind glass for the rest of his instruments. While Y/n can play anything with strings. Though his favorite memories come from guitars, so he has a bias toward them. 

You Don't Have To Rush Yourself. Let's Take It Easy. (Bocchi The Rock! x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now