Well Then, How Should We Celebrate?

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A/N: Welcome to an extra special chapter. This chapter is in celebration of Ryo's birthday! Each main character will be getting a chapter like this from now on. I thought this would be a good transition chapter, too. I wanted to put this in the next chapter, but I think this fits better here. Without further ado, let's get started.

After their first dinner as a band, everyone goes home satisfied. Everyone except Ryo and Y/n. They had decided to stay out a little longer.

Y/n: "I didn't think Bocchi-chan would join." I was hoping she would deep down. So I'm relatively surprised she actually agreed.

Ryo: "Who would pass up free food?"

Y/n: "If it's free, I doubt you'd pass up on it."

Ryo: "Free is a good price."

They've lost track of time as they walk around the now dark shopping district.

Y/n: All is quiet.

He checks his phone. Zero zero.

Y/n: *He puts away his phone* "Happy birthday, Yamada-sama."

Ryo: "So that's why you wanted to stay out late with me. I thought it was something else..."

Y/n: "My gift still hasn't arrived, but it'll be here soon." I think. I honestly have no idea.

Ryo: "You didn't have to get me anything. Hanging out is good enough."

Y/n: "Nonsense. We're friends, right? It's a normal thing to do. Since your gift isn't here, surely there's something I can do for you tomorrow."

Ryo: "It's fine, really."

Y/n: "I refuse your refusal. You're asking me for stuff all the time. Why is today any different?"

Ryo: "Well..."

Y/n: "Anything! You can ask for anything you want. I have more than enough to cover whatever it is."

Ryo: "Anything? Then I want your de-"

Y/n: "I'm not leaving my debit card with you for the day."

Ryo: *She looks away and blushes* "You know me too well."

She looks down and tries to think of something.

Ryo: You know, we've never spent a morning together. He's always busy with Nijika-chan. I'm always busy gathering breakfast. *She looks back to Y/N* "Then, how about we get breakfast together tomorrow?"

Y/n: *He smiles and nods* "Sure thing. Any particular place you want to go?"

Ryo: No where too fancy. "I think there's a small cafe on our walk to school."

Y/n: "Oh, I think I know the one you're talking about. I go there all the time after school."

Ryo: "It's Stray Cat's Paradise."

Y/N: "Ah... I don't know that one. It must be new. I go to La Ville Lumière."

Ryo: "That's too busy for my taste. Don't worry, it's not far away. I'll show you tomorrow."

Y/n: "Sure thing. When should I leave?"

Ryo: "Leave around six."

Y/n: "Alright. I'll remember to set an alarm."

With the date set, they say their goodbyes and walk home. The following day Y/N wakes up early. He usually doesn't wake up until ten on the weekends.

Y/n: I didn't know Ryo-chan woke up this early.

He quickly takes a shower and gets dressed. After grabbing his keys, he texts Ryo.

Y/n: 'Heading over right now.'

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