Chapter Two

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I went back to the bar the next day, hoping to run into Hailee again, but I had no luck. Now it's the 4th day, and again, no sign of Hailee. I'm starting to lose hope at this point.

"Cheer up buttercup, there are plenty of other women around" Rylie says, patting my head. I pull her hand off the top of my head.

She's right, there are plenty of other women, but they aren't Hailee. She was easy to talk to, and I genuinely enjoyed her company. I think that she felt the same way. I can't believe that I didn't get her number.

I order the same margarita from the other day, and sit down to wait. Rylie walks off to go talk to some man on the other side of the bar. I bang my head down onto the counter, a little too hard.

"Are you okay?" a man asks, practically making me jump out of my skin, as I wasn't expecting it.

"Woah, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." He apologizes. I nod my head, steadying my breathing. I look over to see a tall brunette man. I can tell by the look on his face that he feels bad, so I let him know that it's okay.

"Here, let me buy you a drink as an apology." He says, pulling his wallet out of his pocket. I stop him, letting him know that it's really not necessary. Besides, I already ordered a drink.

The bartender slides my drink over to me, as the tall man sits down next to me, ordering himself a drink.

"I'm not going to try and flirt with you or anything, don't worry. I came over here because I saw you bang your head down on this very hard wood. I wanted to make sure you were okay." I can tell that he's being genuine.

"I'm okay, well I will be. I'm just a little upset with myself at the moment." I say, not wanting to give him too much information. He nods his head, then speaks up.

"Do you want to talk about it? If not, that's completely fine, I am a stranger after all. Which reminds me, I probably should introduce myself, I'm Griffin." He reaches his hand out to shake mine. I shake his hand, introducing myself as well, while going back and forth in my head about if I want to talk to a complete stranger about this.

I end up telling him almost everything, leaving out a few things, such as her name, what she looks like, where she's from. She is a famous celebrity after all, and I don't want to put her in any danger. I can tell that he's really paying attention to what I'm saying, which reminds me of Hailee.

"It sounds like you like this mystery girl." Griffin teases. I slightly roll my eyes at what he's insinuating.

"Yeah I do, as a friend. Although, she is really pretty. I just met her, I don't really know anything about her. I'm interested in getting to know her though." I reply sadly.

"I hope that you find mystery girl, or that she finds you." He responds, taking another sip of his drink.

We talk for a little while longer, and once we finish our drinks, Griffin informs me that he has to go. We say our goodbyes, and I get up to go find Rylie. She's probably somewhere with her tongue down somebody's throat.

Just as I thought, when I finally find her, she's sitting on the man from the bars lap, making out with him. The sight makes me want to vomit. "Rylie" I speak up.

Her head snaps towards me, and she climbs off of the black haired dude's lap. "Y/n, hi, is everything ok?" She wipes her lips off with the back of her hand.

"I think I'm going to go back to the room and try to get some rest." I tell her.

"I'll go with you" she says goodbye to the guy, and links her arm with mine.

When we get back to the hotel room, I change out of my bathing suit, throwing on some sweatpants and a t shirt. I climb into the bed, getting comfortable under the sheets. Rylie looks over at me, while changing out of her bathing suit.

"Jake, the guy from the bar, told me about a pool party happening tonight, I think that we should go." She says cautiously. I'm not a fan of parties and she knows that.

"Why can't I just stay here?" I whine. I'd really rather not go out tonight, especially since we got up early to go on a tour and do other activities.

"We're in Hawaii, and I am not letting you sulk over a girl who you spoke to for 20 minutes. We are supposed to be having fun. So you're going to this party with me" Rylie says sternly.

I just nod my head, not wanting to argue with her. I cuddle further into the sheets, ready to go to sleep. "The party is not until 9, so take a nap. I'll wake you up when it's time to get ready."

Before I know it, I'm being woken up, and practically dragged out of the bed. I put one of my bathing suits on, even though I don't intend on swimming, but just in case.

When we get to the party, I instantly regret not putting up more of a fight with Rylie earlier. There is a horde of people in the pool, strangers and couples making out and feeling each other up, and a large group of men near the bar downing alcohol. It feels like a high school party, which doesn't bring back good memories.

Rylie grabs my arm, dragging me over to the bar. She orders us a round of shots, and I don't protest. I'm going to need alcohol in my system in order to make it through this party. I down the shots quickly, the vodka burning my throat.

One of the men that I saw when we got here starts talking to Rylie. I already know that I'm going to end up being alone the whole night. I sit down on one of the pool chairs, listening to the music. "Remember" by Becky Hill and David Guetta currently playing. I quietly sing the lyrics to myself, I love this song.

It's only when I'm lying in bed on my own
And I wake up and I don't see your name on my phone
It's in the moments where I think that I'm better alone
That's when I remember, that's when I remember

I take my phone out of my bag, taking a few pictures and videos of myself. I post one of the videos to my story, not bothering to go through the pictures right now. Within seconds, I'm being tagged in multiple posts.

"Hey beautiful, can I buy you a drink?" I look up from my phone to see a man with dirty blonde hair, wearing no shirt, and floral swimming trunks.

"No thank you, thank you though" I politely decline, but he doesn't walk away. I start to feel uncomfortable, I look around trying to spot Rylie, but I don't see her anywhere.

"Come on, just one drink" he insists. I politely decline again. Instead of walking away, he takes a seat on chair next to me, leaning close. His breath reeks of alcohol. "That bathing suit looks really good on you."

"T-Thank you" I stutter, even though his comment made me want to throw up. "Respectfully, I'm not interested, I'm into women."

"I can change that" He says, leaning closer to my face. Where the fuck is Rylie?

"She said that she's not interested, now get up and walk away." A voice says from behind the both of us. The man finally gets up and walks away. I close my eyes and take a deep breath, when I open them I see...



Look who's back😉
I hope that you all enjoyed this chapter. Let me know what you think.

Aloha // Hailee SteinfeldWhere stories live. Discover now