Chapter Three

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"Are you okay?" Hailee asks, taking a seat on the chair where the man was previously sitting.

"I'm okay, thank you for that. I don't know what that dickwad would've done if you hadn't come." I thank her. She's so close to me right now, I may be gay panicking. Can you blame me though?

"Are you here alone?" She asks, her face wearing a look of concern. I shake my head no, even though I might as well be. Her eyebrows furrow at my response.

"I'm here with my best friend, she made me come to this party, and then she ditched me." I say slightly annoyed. I love Rylie, but I didn't even want to come in the first place, and then she ditches me for the first man to talk to her.

"It sounds like you need a new best friend, and some company." Hailee says. She turns her body, kicking her feet up on the chair. My eyes rake up and down her body. She's wearing a multicolored bikini top and shorts. Don't even get me started on her abs.

"How about you? Are you here alone?" I ask, making eye contact with her.

"No, I'm here with my brother, he just went to use the bathroom. He should be back any minute now." She responds. She picks up her phone, probably texting her brother to let him know where she is.

"You know, I hoped that I would run into you again. I enjoyed our conversation the other day." She confesses. My heart starts racing at the words that just came out of her mouth. I knew that it wasn't just me. Before I can say anything, a man comes from behind Hailee, taking a seat next to her. People have really got to stop interrupting us.

"I'm back, the bathroom line was obnoxiously long." he says, I recognize that voice. I lean a little bit forward to look at him. My eyes widen when I realize that it's Griffin. Of course Griffin is Hailee's brother, they look similar now that I think about it.

"Griffin, this is-" Hailee starts saying, before Griffin cuts her off.

"Y/n, it's good to see you again. How are you?" Hailee looks at her brother confused.

"Wait, you two know each other?" She asks, looking between the both of us.

"Yeah, we met a couple of days ago at the bar. Your brother almost gave me a heart attack." I say. Griffin laughs at what I just said.

"Again, I'm sorry about that. How do you know two know each other?" He points between me and Hailee.

"We also met at the bar, I saw her struggling to pick a drink, so I gave her a suggestion, and then we talked a little bit." Hailee pipes up. I see the moment that it clicks in Griffin's head. He looks over at me with a smirk on his face. I'm hoping that he doesn't say anything, and thankfully he doesn't.

"Do you guys want to go dance?" Hailee asks. I'll be honest, I cannot dance.

"I'll stay here and watch, you two go have fun." Griffin says. Hailee looks at me expectantly, she looks so cute. How can I say no to her?

"Okay, but I'm warning you, I can't dance." I inform her. She practically jumps out of her chair excitedly, grabbing my hand to drag me with her. I feel butterflies in my stomach at the sudden gesture.

She leads me to the dance floor that's located near the DJ. There aren't too many people, just a couple of people drunkenly dancing with each other. She lets go of my hand, and walks up to the DJ. "Where Have You Been" by Rihanna starts blasting through the speakers.

Hailee walks back over to me, "One thing you should know about me is that I love Rihanna."

I've been everywhere, man, looking for someone
Someone who can please me, love me all night long
I've been everywhere, man, looking for you, babe
Looking for you, babe, searching for you, babe

Aloha // Hailee SteinfeldWhere stories live. Discover now