Chapter Four

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Warm water cascades over my skin, as images of the previous day invade my thoughts. I smile a little at the memory of Hailee and I dancing, and our activities at the pool. But that smile soon fades once I remember how I got into that situation in the first place.

I'm still upset with Rylie, and I have every right to be. She needs to know how it made me feel, even if the thought of bringing it up makes my anxiety fly through the roof. Communication is key in any type of relationship.

I turn the water off, and grab a towel to dry off, before wrapping it around my body. Just as I step out of the bathroom, a hungover Rylie comes stumbling in. Almost tripping on her way to her bed.

She plops down onto the bed, looking over at me. I quickly tear my eyes away from hers, and walk over to my suitcase. I pull out a sundress that I bought specifically for this trip. Remembering that I still need to blow dry and brush my hair, I walk back into the bathroom.

After what feels like years, I finally finish my hair and getting ready. The blow dryer that came with the room didn't work that well. I have to admit though, I look good in this dress.

When I walk back out of the bathroom, Rylie is sitting up against the headboard scrolling through her phone. Her head snaps in my direction. "Is everything okay?" She asks, noticing my silence.

I scoff at her question, suddenly feeling angry. "Oh yeah, everything is fine. Besides the fact that you ditched me last night, and then I was basically harassed."

Her eyes widen at my words, her mouth opening and closing several times. "I'm sorry, I thought that you would make friends or meet a girl and have a little fun for once."

Did I hear her correctly? Did she just say "for once"?

"I know how to have fun, but i'd rather not be ditched at a party by my best friend, in a whole different state where we don't know anybody. This isn't just about yesterday either, the whole time we've been here you've been going around swapping saliva with different men. You've barely spent any time with me." I say, my voice slightly raising.

"We're on vacation Y/n, in Hawaii of all places. I'm having fun before we have to go back to reality. I spend almost 24/7 with you back home, give me a break." She says, her voice now also slightly raising.

"Clearly your idea of having fun doesn't include me, so don't worry about me for the rest of this trip." I reply, picking up my phone and my sunglasses.

"Jeez, calm down. Someone needs to get laid." She remarks. That was it, that was the final straw. I slide my shoes on and walk towards the door, not bothering to argue with her anymore. When I open the door, I jump, since I wasn't expecting someone to be there.

"Hailee? What are you doing here? Not that I mind." I ask. How long was she standing there? Did she hear any of that?

"I came to see if maybe you and your friend want to go surfing with me and Griffin later. I'm sorry for showing up, I could've just texted. I don't know why I didn't. If you don't want to, you don't have to. I don't want you to feel pressured." She rambles on. Is it weird that I find her rambling cute?

"I would love to, but I don't know about Rylie. We kind of just got into an argument. I was actually going to go get some lunch and cool down." I respond. If she did hear anything, she doesn't make it known.

"If you want to join me, you can. I wouldn't mind the company." I continue. She smiles brightly at this.

"Of course, let me just text Griffin quickly. I'm sure he will be thrilled to talk to his unofficial girlfriend longer without me being there." She jokes, pulling her phone out to text her brother.

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