#4 The Games

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When we get back to my house, Alisia decides to take my car to get some more drinks for the night. Once she's back, she insists that we play one of her games. To get it started, we played I Never, (someone says I never, and if someone has done what the person says they haven't done, takes a drink from their cups). Alisia insisted on being the first person to begin and then go clockwise, meaning I had to go after her.

"I'll start it off easy for everyone. Let's see... I have never... gone skiing," Alisia says. Alex, Kylie, and Mason all take a drink.

"Okay, my turn," I say. "I never... broke a bone." Everyone except Mason takes a drink from their cups.

We played a few rounds until we all have had a few drinks. That's when we all started to really get into the game.

"I never... had sex in a public place, (like an office)," Alisia admits. Both Alex and Michael take a drink.

"Alisia, I thought that Jacob and you did in his car," says Kylie.

"Nope. Only when we're at home."

"Okay, let's change that subject for Alisia. What game should we play now?" I ask towards Alisia since this is her kind of thing, to pick out the most fun games with groups like ours.

"Why don't we play spin the bottle... or strip poker," I swear I could see the guys' faces light up at the thought of playing strip poker. We all agree on playing strip poker first, then spin the bottle.

"Okay, I'll go get the cards from the cabinet. Ali, can you go into the kitchen and get some more drinks?" I ask. When I got back Alisia had the drinks and was pouring more into all our cups. I sat down and started shuffling the cards the dealt them out.

"Remember the rules. any pairs count as one and every person who loses each round removes something from their bodies. If you run out of clothes we'll either do dares or embarrassing truths," I say trying my hardest to sound sober enough (even though I felt like I could barely think).

The first round, we were trying to look at each others cards without getting noticed by one another.

"Let's see everyone's cards. Ky?" I say feeling pretty good about my hand.

"Two pairs that's pretty good. Alex?" he puts him hand down.

"Nothing. Michael?" As he puts his hand down I see that he has a full house. Oh god, I'm dead, if he's this good in the first round, I've got a challenge ahead of me.

"Oh god, full house. Okay, Ali?" I say nervously just to freak them out that Michael have just been the winner. Alisia puts her cards down showing nothing.

"Nothin'. Mason?What do you have in your hand?" As he puts his hand down, I started to get really nervous. For a second, I thought I saw a royal flush in his hand. Oh god, I lost, just as I thought I was going to win. I've always beat people at poker, ever since I remember. When I see his hand fully, it's not a royal flush, but a four of a kind. I let out a sigh of relief.

"Ooooooo... four of a kind... But looks like Mason here is not the winner," I say with a sly smirk on my face as I'm placing my hand of cards down on the floor. Everyone was stunned to see my hand of a straight flush.

"Beat it suckers, now time to take off an article of clothing."

"Damn never thought of you as an amazing poker player, and very competitive, Seliena," Mason says in disbelief.

After about an hour of playing, Kylie, Alisia, and Alex were all naked, Mason and I still had almost all our clothes on, Michael only had his boxers left, and we were all drunk.

As we started placing down our hands, I thought that yet again, I had won, but as I glanced at Alisia's hand I saw she had the highest hand which made me take a second look. I was surprised to say the least.

"Come on, Lil, time for you to take off a piece of clothing!" Alisia and Kylie exclaimed. Just after they said that the boys joined in on the chant.

"Okay fine," I say while sliding my skirt off my body.

"Now you guys have to choose whether to do a dare or an embarrassing truth,"

"I choose dare..." Alex says with excitement in his eyes.

"We dare you to run down the street with 'fucking idiot' written on your chest in nothing but your boxers," I say trying to keep a straight face (which is really hard).

"Okay, who wants to write in," He says while pointing around a marker in his hand.

"I'll do it!" Alisia says with excitement in her voice that was not hard to miss. Alex hands her the marker. She writes it on his chest after she finished writing he grabbed his boxers and ran out of the house. Mason and Michael grabbed their phones to record this wild scene. We walked outside, Mason and Michael had their phones ready and we told Alex to start running. As we watched Alex run up and down the street, we were all laughing so hard we were all at the point of crying.The poor neighbors.

When Alex came back up the driveway, we all patted him on the back and headed back inside, then sat back in the circle we were sitting in since we started out series of games.

"Ky, what do you choose?" I said while rubbing the unshed tears out of my eyes from laughing so hard.

"I choose truth..." She says. She takes another sip of her drink to give her some liquid courage before she says her secret.

"Sometimes I have wild fantasies in the bathtub," She says. Alisia and I spit out our alcohol from our mouths when we hear that our shy/ conservative best friend has a wild side just like us. We were left speechless, our mouths wide open in shock. The guys looked at her in shock too but not as much as us, they liked knowing that she can act just like her two best friends. Her cheeks turned a bright red looking at us all staring at her in shock.

"Oh. MY. GOD! She's grown up so fast!" Alisia said directed towards me, hugging Kylie while squealing and fake crying to show how sad and excited she is to see her like us.

"Can we please change the subject now off of me?" Kylie asked in a shy voice.

"Fine... Let's play spin the bottle now," Alisia says showing excitement in her voice.

We all took a drink before we started. We took an empty bottle of alcohol that we finished hours ago. We rinsed it out then placed in on the floor.

"Who wants to spin first?" Alisia asks us all.

"I'll go!" Mason says. He spins the bottle really quickly. It goes really fast then all of a sudden it stops and hits its target.


Ooooooo now it's getting good huh? I think next chapter I will put it in Mason's POV. Thank you to simplyawesome1 for the help at the end of the chapter. Follow her.

Remember to:




(Keegan Allen as Alex on the side)

Love you all!!!!

The Mystery Guy** (Slowly writing)Where stories live. Discover now