Chapter 10: This is Where it all Begins

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 Seliena's POV


Waking up felt...I don't know...different today. It was weird, but I feel like a weight has been lifted off my chest now with Mason and me. But it's only the beginning. It's going to be hard starting a relationship with him and dealing with the court about my sister. I'll get through it though, I know I can. Pushing my thoughts to the back of my mind, I roll out of bed and start my morning routine. I jump into a quick shower, washing my hair and body. After drying off, I put on matching black lace bra and panty set, then put on a simple yet professional black knee-length dress. I blow dried my hair and then curled it into loose curls. I applied light natural makeup then strapped on my simple black wedges. I grabbed my black purse with my phone and room key and headed out the door of my hotel room. Since the courthouse is too far to walk to, I decided to hail a cab. We drove for about an hour due to traffic, but finally made it. I paid the driver and quickly headed into the courthouse. As I walked in, Bella was pacing back and forth in front of the doors. She looked up when she heard my footsteps and practically ran over to me, nervousness filled her eyes.

"There you are!" She engulfed me in a big hug. It took me a couples seconds to hug her back because she surprised me.

"What's wrong Bella?"

"Oh, I'm just so nervous about all this-"

"What do you mean by that?

"Well 'cause what if Cass can't stay with one of us? What if her foster parents want to keep her? Or what if she doesn't want to stay with either of us? Or-"

"BELLA, I get it. There's nothing to worry about. Mom made sure that we would be the ones to take care of her if she was to pass away. Even if she didn't want to. Plus we are her family so we have the best chance of getting her, but it's which one of us that she stays with." I rubbed her arm to calm her down after her mid rant.

She let out a sigh, "Okay, thanks for making me feel better Lena."

"No problem, Bella" I gave her another hug for reassurance.

"Okay, come on let's get in there" she nodded her head and together we walked into the courtroom with a smile on our faces.

We walked down the center aisle of the room and sat together on the left side of the room next to our attorney who's helping us with Cassey and in front of the judge. On the other side of the courtroom was the social worker who I talked to on the phone and a middle aged couple. They must be my little sister's foster parents.


After hours of discussion and arguing we were dismissed. Today was only the first day though. In the courtroom we discussed what will be happening in the future with where Cassey will be staying and what is expected from us when she makes her decision. Both of us have to be reviewed and the judge decides who he thinks is better fit to take care of her. Whoever she decides will then be reviewed even more. Cassey will also have to give a reason for her decision which I think is really dumb.

Bella and I decided to go out for a late lunch together. As we walked through the doors of a quaint little diner near the courthouse, we were greeted and lead to a table. The server came over and we ordered. Once she left we chatted about things.

"So did you get an email a few days ago from that social worker about seeing Cassey?" I asked Bella who stopped sipping her drink and looked at me. She then sighed and said, "Yeah, I did. When are you seeing her?"

"I'm going tomorrow late afternoon. I also got her a couple things."

"What did you get her?"

"I just got her an iPod and an iTunes gift card just so she has something to communicate to one of us and something to play on if she gets bored. Did you get her anything?" Bella shook her head.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2016 ⏰

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