#5 I Knew It

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I'm starting this chapter by backtracking to Alex doing the dare... I hope you guys enjoy this chapter.

Mason's POV


Alisia finishes writing the phrase we dared to be written on his chest then he grabs his boxers and slips them on and runs outside. Michael and I grab our phones to record Alex. When we get outside we both get our cameras ready then signal Alex to start running. I started to record Alex running up and down the street, but I couldn't stop looking over toward Seliena and seeing the way she smiles and laughs it warms my heart. I knew she was my mate ever since I first looked into her eyes the day after Alex met her at the club. I couldn't help but turn the camera toward her and record her laughing, smiling, and having fun. She's so beautiful when she's happy.

After Alex finished his dare we went back inside. Seliena asked Kylie which one she'd rather do, she chose truth. I was shocked to hear what her truth was. Everyone else was shocked too, but the girls were more shocked than us. Alisia spoke up and you could see that Kylie was embarrassed and regretted what she admitted to us all.

"Can we please change the subject off of me?" Kylie asked shyly after a while.

"Fine... Let's play spin the bottle now," Alisia says. I could tell she was excited to play this game (that this was the game she was waiting to play from the start). Before we started, we all put our clothes back on, then the girls got the bottle cleaned, ready, and refilled our cups.

"Who wants to spin first?" Alisia asked. Finally, this is the chance where I could possibly get a chance to kiss Seliena.

"I'll go!" I say trying not to show my excitement and eagerness. I spin the bottle starting to feel nervous. What if it does land on Seliena first? I don't even know why I'm nervous to kiss, this is what I have wanted to do since I first laid eyes on her. It's been the only thought going through my mind. But what if we kiss and after she doesn't want to be with me. I know she feels the same way I do. We're mates, why wouldn't we? My eyes are watching the bottle like a hawk eyeing its prey. The bottle starts to slow. It stops, I look up at who it landed on Alisia.

'Shit,' I thought so myself. Why couldn't it have stopped a little more to the left (that's where Seliena was sitting)?

"Are you sure Jacob would be okay with you kissing other guys, Ali?" Seliena laughs mockingly to her, with Kylie nodding in agreement.

"Shut up, it's just a game you two," she says right back to her two laughing best friends sitting right next to her.

I shifted in my spot so that way I was in a more comfortable position while I had to kiss Alisia.

"Alright. The rules when you kiss is... you cannot peck the other person it has to be at LEAST three seconds... Kylie make a note of that," She said as if knowing what we were all going to ask. 'Ugh!' She's not making this easy on me, but at least when or if I get to kiss Seliena at least I have to kiss her for at least 3 seconds.

Alisia looked over at me, nodding her head that she's ready. We both leaned in (into the middle of the circle) until our lips touched. I got to admit she's a pretty good kisser but I know I will never have strong feelings for her. Seliena is for a fact the one I love, I just don't know if she feels the same way.

After we pulled away everyone started laughing. I don't know why but I joined in with the laughter, I guess all of our laughter is contagious.

"Alright, so how are we going to see who goes after every time?" Michael asks still letting out the last of his laughter.

"How about whoever the bottle landed on gets to spin for their next victim," Alisia says with a sly smirk on her face which is kinda funny since it's like a lopsided smirk.

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