Part 16

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I woke up with a pain in my head. I didn't drink much last night as I remember. But why did my head hurt. I felt so exhausted when I stretched my body. I felt my stomach was bloating. I tried to get up from the bed but suddenly my head felt so dizzy.

I recalled what I've ate last night. The food was good and like usual. I just had one drink of wine. And for the rest I only drank water. I tried to get up once again and went to the bathroom. I looked at my self in the mirror. My face was pale. I took a quick shower and get ready for office. 

I walked downstairs to have breakfast with my parents. Mom Baifern greeted me when I get there.

"Morning Fourth.." She said.

"Morning Mom.." I said while I was sitting in front of my father. "Morning Dad.."

"Morning Son..did you have a good sleep?" he asked.

"I did.."

Mom Baifern gave me a toast with chocolate paste and cheese. But when I smell the cheese suddenly I felt nauseous and wanted to vomit. I quickly go to the bathroom and vomited. This was weird. I never felt like this before. After I cleaned my mouth, I went back to the dining room to continued my breakfast.

"What happen dear?" Mom Baifern asked me. 

"I don't know Mom, I just feel a little unwell since I woke up." I answered her.

"You don't have to come to the office then, Fourth" Dad told me.

"No Dad..we have an important meeting today, I'll get better.." I said. 

"Do you want a lemonade dear? It will reduce your nausea.." Mom Baifern offered me and I nodded immediately.

Dad stared at me for a while and he held my hand. "Are you sure you're ok Fourth? You know you can tell me everything, right?"

I looked back at him and smiled. "I'm okay don't have to worry na.."

He nodded. Mom Baifern came back and gave me the lemonade. It was so good. I took another toast but I only add the chocolate paste in it. 

After we were done, Dad and me went to the office together. I received a call from Gemini. He said that Aye was sick and he would take Aye to the hospital first. 

When we arrived, I went straight to my floor while dad goes to his. I was preparing coffee and snack for Gemini when Ford called me to the meeting room. We would have an early meeting with Marketing and Product Development Division to discuss our upcoming project.

In the middle of the meeting, Dad got a call from Mom Baifern. I looked at Dad, he was smiling widely and looked so happy. I was curious what Mom told him that making him so happy like that.

"There is a good news..." Dad said to us. "Aye is pregnant!" Dad said.

"What??" I stood up and looked at Dad disbelief. 

"Yes Son..You're gonna be an uncle! We'll celebrate it tonight ok!" He said cheerfully.

I was beyond shocked right now. My mind was messed up. How could it be?? I saw Mark and Ford gaped at me. I think they were also shocked hearing this. 

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