Chapter 55 - What Love (4)

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"You know what this is."

Elixir, a miracle medicine that healed wounds, removed scars, and healed diseases with just one drop.

The medicine was called God's miracle, but the way it was made was on the contrary. It was a medicine made by extracting vitality by slowly killing people. Not only that, but it was also called the devil's temptation because it was made in a forbidden way.

Rewan fell to the floor with Distria's gesture. He grabbed Rewan, who was rebelling, and dropped a drop of Elixir into his mouth. Surrounded by a bright light, Rewan's wounds slowly disappeared. It was a phenomenal sight.

My trembling hands stopped at that scene.

...Rewan was not dead.

I could change the story. I was not a marionette. I was alive here.

Do I really, really think and act that way? I took a breath. I was faced with my ugly selfishness. It was not an act to confirm that the story could be changed. It wasn't an action to save Rewan.

Rather than wanting to save him, I was feeling a lot of excitement in this situation. The drugged eyes, hands outstretched towards me... I couldn't admit my selfishness, so I thought of something else... That didn't mean it was not what I wanted, though.

I loved Rewan... But, I just loved myself more.

"Now, what do you think you should do?"

The eyes of the people below swept through the body. I took off my shoes, and my bare feet touched the ground. Suddenly, I got curious. Why was he doing this? Why was he doing this when he was obsessed with me and wanted me...?

"What do you want by doing this?"

Distria picked up the shoes I had taken off myself. He pressed his lips to the front of my shoe before gazing at me.

"I want you to suffer."

"...Is that all?"

Distria laughed.

I took off my clothes without saying a word. The colorful and intricate dress fell off my body with a few gestures. I slowly descended from the platform. Insidious gazes passed slowly from the tip of my toes to the whole body.

The outstretched hands of the people below touched the back of my feet.

"Just with something like this? It would be a bit disappointing if I did this, knowing I was going to lose my mind."

I looked at Distria, who was smiling. The podium and downstairs were quite high. Still, I didn't go down the stairs. I just leaned over at the end.

My body fell down.

I fell to the floor, and the people below caught me. Not a single part touched the floor. Like drunk on drugs, the already hardened genitals touched my body. I reached out my hand without knowing where it would go.

They didn't seem like nobles. He must have brought the commoners from somewhere to insult me.

I can't feel it.

"Aargh—! Aaarrghhh! Please, please... Don't do it."

Rewan screamed. He felt such a sense of disgrace.

I couldn't feel it.

I was not worth your concern...

I looked over the podium. Rewan's eyes, filled with despair, touched me. I turned my head. Then, I glanced at the drugged people. He was chained again with a clunky sound.

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