the interaction.

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Y/n's  POV

I slowly open my eyes, the light from the sun peircing them, I let out a groan, sitting up and taking off my sleeping mask that was half-on, half-not.

"Ugh.. what time is it?" I question myself, grabbing my phone from the rusty looking wooden nightstand.

"4:38 am" I rub my eyes, my eyes slightly widening when I realize I never charged my phone.

"Shit! My batteries at 1 percent!?" I rush towards my charger, but alas, it was too late.

A dark screen rushed to my phone faster than I could get the charger, a battery slowly flashing on the screen. And then, black.

I sigh annoyed, knowing I won't be able to bring my phone to school.

"I guess I'll just leave it here.." I state, getting fully up and walking out of my bedroom and into the bathroom close to it.

I do everything I have to do, shower, brush my hair, brush my teeth, and change into an outfit.

I gaze at myself in the mirror, smiling softly as I look at my black hoodie and ripped jeans.

I take off the hoodie, wrapping it around my waist, then, I walk out of the bathroom, specifically to the coat rack, taking my bright pink spring coat.

"God, I'm so tired.." I push my arms through the sleeves of said coat, putting it on.

I glance at the small other phone that I have, rushing to it and picking it up.

"98 percent" "YES!!" I exclaim happily, waking up my roommate Sarah.

I hear her waking up, "oh..! Sorry Sarah!" I quickly shout back, hoping she'll forgive me by the afternoon.

I don't hear anything else, I assume that she went back to sleep from the massive hangover she probably has.

I turn on the phone, typing in the password and then quickly adjusting my eyes to the brightness of the screen.

"Another peter edit?" I look in shock/happiness.

"I close out of it immediately when It shows NSFW photos.

"Uh.. nevermind.." I drop the phone, setting it back onto my slightly off white couch.

I glance at my tv that's still on, showcasing a photo of John doe.

"Your kinda cute.." I hear from by bedroom.

"I rush to it, realizing I left the John doe x listener on from last night.

I pause it, not wanting it to change.

I speed-walk to the door, opening it and getting out of my house to go to school.

"Fuck. It's raining" I roll my eyes, going back inside my house and grabbing an umbrella.

I walk to school, hearing the taps of the rain hit the umbrella.


As the sky rumbles, a sudden burst of electricity hits the shared room, waking Sarah up and waking something else up or should I say, someone else.

Y/n's  POV

I clutch my keys in my pocket, running home.

I look at my house, seeing it in view now. I unlock the door, stopping dead in my tracks when I hear a scream.

I open the door, running to the kitchen and grabbing a knife, I rush to Sarah's bedroom to make sure she's okay.

I look at the sweet blonde, seeing her on the floor in a corner, looking at something with wide eyes.

I walk further into the bedroom, seeing 2 tall figures. One with a crooked smile and the other just distracted, trying to find someone else.

"What the fuck." I say harshly, holding my breathe as I run to the tall figures. I instantly try to stab one, missing and falling to the ground, stabbing my hand in the process.

"Where are they?! I swear, I'm gonna-" I hear a slightly deep voice say, cut off from me falling.

I see both tall figures instantly look at me.

"There you are." I hear a different person say.

I stare at the person, wincing in pain as the cut from my hand starts to bleed.

"Who are you guys!" I worriedly and fearfully shout at them.

"I'm John doe, and this-" "I'm peter." I hear one cut off the other.

'john doe' shoots a glare at 'peter'. In return, 'peter' glares back at 'john'.

I get up, quickly crawling to the same corner Sarah's in, I pull the knife from my hand and hold it tightly with the other.

"Darling, it's okay.. I won't bite..~" I hear the tall man say.

"Wait.. are you guys really..-" I glance at my phone on the white couch, seeing the screen cracked.

I suddenly go dizzy, looking at the other person beside 'peter'. I take in his messy curls. I look at the pale grey man. I look at his outfit, seeing that he has the exact same outfit as the game peter.

I go more dizzy, not believing that the actual peter and john doe are in my house.

I close my eyes, quickly passing out, I can hear muffled screams, followed by quick footsteps towards us. Then, I hear nothing.

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