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Peter's POV

I gently put a soft blanket around my dear y/n. I walk to the coat hanger and grab a black hoodie, grabbing another for doe.

"Now. You know I don't like you, but I'm gonna need you to help me on this." I glare at him and toss the hoodie at him, basically throwing it.

"Help you on what?" I put my hand over my eyes and sigh annoyed. "Murdering her! What do you think!?" "....oh..." I sigh. "How could he could be this fucking stupid."

I grab the doorknob, my hand getting peirced by the cold. I open the door and step out, looking into the night. I can feel the cold seep into my skin.

I look back at doe, noticing he had grabbed a kitchen knife. "Finally he's useful." I roll my eyes and try to remember where she lives. My thoughts are interrupted by footsteps walking into a house a bit far away, maybe a 2-5 minute walk.

I look around before looking at the person unlocking their house. I wave doe over before walking to her house, making sure not to make a noise.


I step onto her porch quietly. twisting her doorknob and pulling the door open, walking in. "She's an idiot."

"So what's the plan?" I turn to doe and start to tell him the plan quickly. I close the door behind me. I step around her house, hearing the floorboards creeking. I look at the stairs and go up them, quietly opening her bedroom door. I see her in the bathroom connected to her bedroom.

"Evelyn.." I rush to go hide under her bed, grabbing the knife doe took from my pocket. I hear her walk out after washing her face, humming. look down in disgust. I feel the bed move as she gets on it.


I carefully crawl out from under the bed, seeing the window open, I look down it, putting my hand down and pulling doe up.

I watch him climb fully up the window and drop into the bedroom. "God that took awhile-" I cover doe's mouth quickly, not wanting her to wake up. "Shut up! We don't wanna wake her!" I say quietly, whispering harshly.

"Now shut up or you'll be the one dead!" I say, looking at Evelyn as she turns in her bed. "Stay. Here." Doe nods. I carefully walk out of her room, going down the stairs and grabbing cornstarch, rubbing it on my fingers and flicking it onto a kitchen knives handle.

"This should cover up my fingerprints" I grab the knife, looking around for in in-house cameras. After finding nothing, I go to the front door, making sure it's locked. I then go back up the stairs, returning to her room.

I look at doe and nod.

Does POV

After getting the nod, I quietly creep beside evelyn. Lifting her up gently and just putting her on the floor. I wipe my hands on my clothes, removing fingerprints. I glare down at her, scowling.

"Now what?" I look up at Peter, leaning against the bedframe. "Murder. What did you think?" "I don't know." I walk to the side of the room Peter's on, carefully making sure I don't make any noise.

Peters POV

I hold the knife tightly in my hands, looking down at her. My eyes glance down, seeing her move. I pause, smiling.

I watch as she gets up and panics, glancing at us. "Don't worry.. this'll be quick" I walk over to her, grabbing a fistful of her dark brown hair. I pull back, seeing her eyes widen and hearing her cry out in pain. I hold the knife to her throat, glancing at her struggling form.

"Let go of me!!" I slam her head into the bedframe, laughing at the blood I watch run down her forehead. I look at her smugly as she shuts up. There's a large gash in her head, dark crimson blood almost pooling on her forehead.

"That's better." I glance at doe, smirking. "I was gonna kill you quickly, but I don't feel like doing that anymore." I narrow my eyes, hitting her against the frame once again. Just like the first time, she crys out in pain.

I push the knife further at her skin, teasing her life. I crouch down, staring at her with hate-filled eyes. "Your a peice of shit, you know that Evelyn?" I snicker. I get up, moving the knife away.

"You hurt my darling, and now I'll hurt you." I narrow my eyes, grabbing her by the throat. She struggles and tried to pull, but I just gripped tighter.

I let go of her throat after awhile, dropping her. I watch as she struggles to catch her breath. I glance at doe, who's silently chuckling. I look back at Evelyn. "This could've been avoided.." I chuckle too, hearing what doe said.

I grip the knife tighter, I yank her hair back, exposing her neck. "What would you do if I just..-" I grab a lighter, passing the knife to doe. I light it, moving it around her face. I pour a small amount of lighter fluid down onto her right arm, making contact with the lighter. Orange and yellow flames ignite, burning her skin on contact. I hold her arm down as she thrashes in vain.

I instantly cover her mouth, not wanting anyone to hear and interfere. "Fuck.. Peter.." I glance at doe, smirking. "First time torturing?" I snicker, looking down at Evelyn as the skin on her leg burns and melts.

I take my hand off her mouth, taking the knife back. I plunge the knife into her neck and hold her chest down with my sneaker. I watch as the knife dives deeper into her flesh, blood pouring out of the wound. I grin more as she chokes and coughs, struggling to breathe.

After some moments I glance at her slowing down fighting that turns into no movement. "Is she dead?" I perk up, glancing at his soulless eyes. "What do you think?" I say sarcastically, taking my sneaker off her chest. I hear a slight hic of breath. She's obviously still alive. I narrow my eyes, looking at doe. "your turn~" a smile is carved into my face as I pass the knife to doe. 

"what do you think shes seeing right now?" I hear doe ask. I raise an eyebrow, chuckling. I look at her bedside table, yanking a framed photo. I hold her head up, forcing her to stare at it.

"something she'll never see again." I watch as the blood drips onto the photo, smudging the photos color. Doe tightens his grip on the knife, plunging it into the back of her neck.

That's it. No movements.

a/n: PLS TELL ME YOU GUYS UNDERSTOOD THE 2 MOVIE REFRENCES PLEASE. (if your not a disturbing movie watcher I mean that one scene in concrete: a juvinile film and the last house on the left.) 




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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2023 ⏰

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