getting ready.

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"That's actually pretty cool.." I look at John doe, seeing his crooked smile. "He's actually pretty cute.." those 4 words ring through my mind.

I shake my head, looking away from John doe.

"Hey, john doe, can I just call you doe? I figure you guys are gonna be here for a while." I look at him.

"Of course!" I her him spout up quickly and happily.

"Is anyone hungry?" I ask, walking towards the stairs.

"I don't eat" I hear doe say from the corner of my ear. I look back at them, looking at doe for a second, quickly glancing to peter.

"What about you?" I ask, pointing at him.

"I don't eat that often" "but thanks for the offer darling!" I watch in amusement and doe shoots peter a glare and peter responds with giving doe the bird.

"This is gonna be fun..~" I sarcastically mutter to myself as I step up the stairs.

I leave the basement door open, walking over to the fridge opening it.

"Hmm.. leftover food..  cheesecake.." I think to myself. "CHEESECAKE? I have cheesecake?" I start to celebrate inside my head.

I hear heavy footsteps rush towards me, running full speed.

"Did I hear cheesecake?!" I hear another pair of footsteps rush towards me.

I recognize the voice of the person, I look up, meeting eyes with the tower of a human being, Peter.

"He really loves cheesecake?" I hear doe say. I decide just to shrug.

"Do you want cheesecake peter?" I say to him, chuckling a bit.

"Yes!" I smile, looking down and grabbing it out of the fridge. I open the casing, putting it to the side.

"How much?" I look over my shoulder, I shift in suprise right when peter basically just appeared behind my shoulder.

"I'll cut it, you just chill on the couch. Okay?" He asks. I feel him grab my shoulders and pull me towards him.

I let out a suprised yelp, looking up at him. "Okay okay!" I respond quick and push myself off him.

I walk towards doe, glancing at him. "You want anything doe?" I look at his arms, seeing the scars that'll probably never heal.

"No thanks, I'll put on a movie that we could watch maybe..?" He offers, making it sound like more of a question then an offer.

"Sure." I step to the remote and passing it to doe, and hearing my phone ring.

I rush to my bedroom, seeing it trashed. "Really guys!?" I shout to them, getting only a "huh?" In response by both.

I pick up my phone, putting it to my ear and walking to the couch.

"Yeah bestie?"

"Can I come to your house with Evelyn?"

"Why?" I sneer at the thought of Evelyn.

"The project we have to hand in Tommorrow." I hear an enthusiastic voice say.

"Maries also with you?"
Yeah, she wanted to join our group."

"Oh okay. sure, just give me like, 30 minutes." I accept, ending the call and rushing to the 2 basically towers.

"You guys need to look normal" I exclaim to both of them. "I have people coming over." I grab a mini broom and dustpan, sweeping up the broken glass from my. Ahem, new phone.

I throw that out then get to the kitchen, putting the cheesecake back.

"I thought we were gonna watch a movie?" I hear doe say a little bit annoyed but mostly sad.

"I have to work on a project doe, I'll watch one with you after I get all this project stuff sorted out."

I glance at doe, seeing him just nod.

"Doe you look like you just woke up. You need to fix that." "How?" I roll my eyes, looking at him and grabbing his arm, leading his towards the bathroom.

"Peter, do whatever you can to look somewhat normal!" I shout to him, rushing to do this.

I grab a brush, trying to get past does curls. I get past at most, 10 curls within 5 minutes.

"Do you ever brush your hair?!" I say annoyed, pulling past one knotty curl.

"I've tried. It doesn't-" I pull another, getting a whimper out of him. I pause, just looking and him before, straightening it a bit. "-work." He finishes.

I desperately try to get past more and more curls, finishing after about 40 minutes.

I reach past doe, getting an elastic and tying  his hair into a quick messy bun.

I drag doe out, hoping that peter did something.

I see that peter literally put eyeliner on and hoped the best.

I glare at peter, letting go of the stumbling john doe

I almost run to the bathroom again, grabbing a makeup wipe and getting that eyeliner off.

I see a brown spot on peter eye where I took the eyeliner off, I look closer, trying to wipe it off again, only for more brown spots to appear.

"Peter, come with me." I drag him to the bathroom and close the door. I wipe more of his face, making more brown appear.

"Get in the shower. But quick we only 10 minutes. The soaps right there." I get him into the shower, ignoring his protests.

I walk out, leaving him alone in the shower.

"Doe, we gotta-" I look at doe, freezing in my place. I watch as he puts a pair of my underwear away quickly and opening up another drawer. "I was just checking if you had a hoodie I could borrow!" I hear him squeak out.

"Uh.. okay?" I walk into my bedroom and pull out a hoodie. "" I pass him it and walk out, going to my couch and sitting down in the livingroom.

I fidget with my fingers, randomly grabbing a pencil and just drawing on my nails in a fit of boredom.

I watch peter walk out in a towel at the same time doe walks out, I watch as the bump into eachother. I start to laugh, stopping when I realize peter dropped the towel.

I look away, shifting my head so I dont see. "Put that towel back on." I wait lie 20 seconds before glancing back.

I shiver randomly, I jump when I feel fingers on my shoulders. "Holy fu-!" I look behind me, seeing that it's just doe.

It's like he teleported.

I see peter in the towel again. "What do I wear?" "Just put on your old clothes." I respond to him, seeing that he's not grey anymore, chuckling slightly.

I hear the doorbell ring and buzz right as peter goes into the bathroom to change.

peter and john doe x Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن