CHAPTER 7 - Time, It's Always Relevant!

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Player's POV

We put on the jetpacks and started flying towards the ship. It was really, really wobbly. I wonder how Zythia did it, she actually stole Haru's jetpack.


I was cut off track when a part of the warship got flung toward me because of an explosion. Luckily, I dodged it and gained balance.

After all the explosions, the ship is, somehow, but surely staying together. It looks like the ship has some kind of healing magic? I'm not sure...

We decided to enter through the door Ether blew up. It looked deserted when we landed. There was a fork so me and Haru decided to split up.

"ETHER! ZYTHIA! WHERE ARE YOU GUYS!?" I kept shouting until I heard a voice talking through the 'not so broken' speaker.

".........I re......need......" Then it stopped.

What the hell!? What does it mean? Is the ship gonna.... NO!

I started shouting and helping anyone in my path, yes including the guards. And then I saw Ether carrying Zythia, running also.

"ETHER!" She ran to my direction.

"Did you hear the broadcast too?" she asked.

"Yeah, we need to find Haru before the ship blows up."

"Okay, I'm gonna bring Zythia down really quick then we find Haru" she said as she left.

I need to find him fast. Before-


Ether's POV

I brought Zythia back to base. I healed her quickly. When I was about to go back to the ship, it exploded...


I was too late. My body moved by itself. I was running towards the falling rubble. I was moving the rocks away as fast as I can. I stopped... my mind was blank... I saw Player under all that rubble...

As I gained conscious again, I quickly placed my ear on his chest.

Heartbeat? Heartbeat.

He's alive. I quickly placed him out of the rubble and started looking for Haru.

As I was looking, I was thinking.

This is my fault, I went there... I destroyed the ship...

I found Haru. I carried him where Player was and started heading to base.

I brought out extra beds and laid them down. I grabbed the med kit and started treating them.

I hope they will wake up... I hope...

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