1.| Why do I feel this way?

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Introducing The Plot:
Currently, the crew in on their Pre-Timeskip clothes rn.
If you don't know One Piece I suggest watching it because you might not know what's going on at this point.

Sanji and Usopp might have to be in the spotlight of this story cuz' it's about them.

Zolu might appear sometimes because why not. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

But anyway, hope u enjoy!

Narrator/3rd Person:

The sun started to rise up on the Thousand Sunny, soonly the Straw Hats started to wake up from the sun rays shining through their eyes.

Usopp was the last one to have ever been asleep, meanwhile the others were awake and in the kitchen eating on what Sanji cooked for them.

Nami› "Hey Chopper, can you go check on Usopp? He might of overslept."

Chopper› "Sure!" | Chopper gets off the chair and walks his way to where Usopp was sleeping.

As Chopper headed over to the deck, Usopp was casually  asleep at the crows nest, he was on night duty but then fell asleep during that time period.

Chopper headed to the deck and claimed up to the crows nest to wake up Usopp.

Chopper› "USOPP! WAKE UP!!"

Usopp jumped in surprise as Chopper yelled his name out loud at him.

Usopp› "Jeez Chopper don't shout at me like that! It scared the heck out of me!"

Chopper› "Sorry Usopp.." | He rubbed his hooves in the back of his head with a frowned face | "It's just that Nami told me to wake you up because you overslept."

Usopp› "Well tell her that I'll be right there in just a few minutes, I just gotta do something first."

Chopper› "Okay!" | Chopper retrieved his smile back and headed down to Nami.

Usopp does the same but went down the deck to checkup on his invention that he's been working on.

Back to Chopper, he told Nami that Usopp will come and eat in just a few minutes, Nami nodded and got up from her chair and went away leaving Chopper and Sanji behind to do the dishes, Chopper was just reading his recent book meanwhile Sanji just cleaning the kitchen.

Usopp eventually came in to the kitchen and checked the fridge for something edible.

Usopp› "Hey Sanji, do you have anymore fish?"

Sanji› "Uhm, no? I thought you and Luffy already caught some yesterday." | Sanji looked over to Usopp leaning against the sink.

Usopp› "We didn't go fishing yesterday cuz' I was working on my invention." | Usopp Answers.

Sanji› "And what's this invention you've been working on?"

Usopp› "Nothing really important. Just a surprise for Nami."

Sanji› "Oh.." | Sanji looked away lighting his cigarette.

Usopp› "Because if I could replace Nami's weapon with a New one, i might even name the weapon after I finish it."

Sanji› "What are you gonna name it?"

Usopp› "Probably something cool! But I still haven't thought of it yet.."

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