Unwelling Fever 2 [FILLER]

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[The Next Day]
Sanji P.O.V:
It was getting cloudy and looked like it was about to rain but it's actually just cloudy, Usopp hasn't gotten better yet since yesterday, in fact, he's been in the Infirmary the whole day.

The other crew were also getting worried on where the hell even is Usopp, he hasn't gotten up from that bed since yesterday, I haven't revealed myself to Franky and Chopper yet about that I know Usopp ain't feeling well, but that doesn't matter right now.

I was at the deck hanging over with my cigar smoking, with the Sunny still steady with a bit of creaking as it bobs left and right a little, I was just pouting by the edge of the rails and watched the sea, reminding me and the All Blue.

We were heading somewhere but decided to head to a stop at a nearby village we've come across for some restock from our supplies, Nami has been needing of some new clothes meanwhile I also overheard Robin and Brook planning on buying the newest book they've been interested as it's been released recently, Franky and Chopper just needing medicine for Usopp and for Luffy, just typical Meat or whatever.. that Mosshead on the otherhand will only just be sleeping by the stairs and ain't interested in buying stuff that much, Jinbe will just be watching the Sunny with Mosshead too.

And me, just some groceries and maybe a restock on our least foods, Luffy might even brag about not having anymore meat, despite him eating almost everything.

Usopp though.. will be just in the Infirmary resting, the crew hasn't even known about him being at the infirmary but Chopper or ether Franky stops any of the crew from coming inside, for me, I just stand by and wait until they leave so that I could see Usopp for once, but just damn, I never got a chance to get in.

Franky even just blocks the door and just says "There's totally nothing inside in the Infirmary room!" Yeah like that or whatever.. but since he's going out for medicine, that only leaves Chopper to be dealt with.

As I was lost in my own head as I thinked on what should I do to get inside the Infirmary, I heard someone yell out my name behind my back.

Brook› "YOHOHOHO! SANJI!" | He waved his skeleton like arm.

Sanji› "What is it Bonehead?"

Brook› "We're having a meeting inside, Nami told me to get you."

Sanji› "Alright." | I continued smoking and after I just followed Brook on the way to the kitchen.

The place was a bit crowded though some of the crew were just by the sides of the kitchen talking to eachother, some were at the table like Nami-Swan, Luffy and Mosshead with his nasty legs on the table.

Sanji› "Hey, get your grubby feet off of the table Marimo." (Marimo means Mossball)

Zoro› "Don't Tell me what to do." | Zoro then took off his leg by the table but then grabbed the handle of his sword, I noticed as his face was being irritating.

Sanji› "You tryna go on?"

Zoro› "Go on what?"



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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2023 ⏰

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