chapter 32 [ FORGIVENESS]

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Seren pov :-

I Can't believe he behave with me like a monster I slapped him but next moment I afraid his his turn dark that's scared me most I know there is no one who save me for this Devil .

Seren - Your Monster ( I said tears rolled my eyes )

I wipe and walked away to main door I about to open but soon a harsly pull towards him he looked at me emotionless .

Jungkook - Where do you think your going ? ( He said deep voice I tried to push him but he pull me more close to him)

Jungkook - Don't Fucking push me away form you angel ! ( He said clam but I can feel his voice is an-gry )

Seren - leave me jungkook I want to go !( I said struggling but he didn't move grab my waist more hardly )

I hissed in pain I look at all just standing froze watch us my tear eyes meet taehyung he looked at me with emotion I can see that his eyes also tear But why !

Jungkook - You really need little hard punishment that you know who you belong right !( He said dragged me I painked I remember that night he was punish me that day no no .)

Seren - Jin oppa please stop him ! ( He looked at me consern eyes then he yelled at jungkook )

Jin - jungkook leave her you didn't do it right !( He said he stop I relief but next his words broke my heart badly)

Jungkook - No hyung I tried to fake sweetness with her now I will show her who I am .( He said look at me I just look at him I heart'broken he these months with me I's fake how can he say that he never real with me )

He again dragged me jin Hyung look down not helping me i look at all members jimin smrik at me I look at taehyung who is looking at me with his tears eyes I hope he will help me .

Seren - Mr.k-im p-lease h-elp m-e .

( I said my voice crack just hope he will save me for this monster but my all hope charsh when he walk away like nothing happens jungkook again dragged me and said )

Jungkook - No one gonna help you My love I have to punish you for slapping me and what you said monster huh! Trust me seren you didn't see a monster inside me yet( He said again dragged me all are went there room tears didn't stop he throw me on the his bed and glaring at me )

He dragged me in his washroom I painked what he will do he stand in shower and on it .I struggle what he doing

Jungkook - Don't step out until I say get it .( He said and about to out but I yelled)


Jungkook - clean the your body to his touch if you don't then I WILL DO THAT ! ( He yelled at me last I flinched I am sa-cred I nodded he went out the washroom I immediately walk and locked the door I cry after that )

I strip my self and wash my body after shower i wrapped towel in my body what I will do can I go out how can I am like this I was I my thought when jungkook knock the door .

Jungkook - Come out angel . !!
( He said but I didn't move my place I was embarrassed I don't want he looked at me like that ahh. I filnched when he start banded door )

"He fucking breaking the door" I mummble

Jungkook - Seren don't make me break the door open the fucking door .
( He roar i didn't move but when he say I am sa-cred I took small step towards door )

Jungkook - Fine you are strubborn brat I know how to obey you don't blam me after that you asked for it .

He chuckled darkly and said he about to break the door I open it he looked at my eyes angered but soon his eyes roam my head to toe he smirked I cleash my towel tightly around my body .

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