part 1

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               CHAPTER 1         
There are different content of light, what controls ur content is ur thought, different light comes with different content, why it is possible is because  all those light has a guiding thought that rules their life,so it makes it different, and  thought influences the physical, so we live out our thought, teenegers are meant to advance their thought in other to have a stabled  mindset, different teens comes with different mindset, what makes u a unique child is in the improvement of ur mindset, that is when u now have an advanced mentality, the reason u must need to advance ur mindset is because the world is moving, if u are not moving with the world and u remain in the world without transformation, the earth will definately move without u and that is when you now have deplition, u have reduced before the earth,


The earth does not respond to qualifications
Otherwise the wealthiest people should have been *Ph.D holders.*
That should show you how important *mindset* is
It is not qualifications that defines you what define you is your real you not acquired degrees, acquired degree is very needed because it helps in building us, it wil always be needed, but note that the earth doesn't respond to qualification, "i have seen so many PHD holder that didn't get a job, your degree cannot define u, many people look up to PHD results without considering the mindset of the PHD holders.
‍ It is not about your *degree*
It is all about what you do after the *degree.

There is more journey in life
But the beginning of the journey is to know, you can't achieve much if u are not learned, and note that the journey does not end their it continous...

The most important thing is *Mindset* 👌 and the next thing is a *Commitment to self DISCIPLINE.*👏

The only person holding  the key to your future is *YOU.*

The secrets to a  successful future is for you to be willing to pay the price but the challenge is that very few teenagers are ready and willing to pay the price to succeed.
Teenagers are mostly distracted with different  desires,why teenagers are easily distracted is because they are wools,wools are people that easily accept anything,if you must be focused you must learn not to accept everything,
The truth is that any successful man or woman you see  payed to become succesful, the earth is not ruled by luck, people contribute to their life.
If they is failure and poverty, you contributed to it
If they is success and prosperity, you contributed to it

While some are partying and gisting, others are learning, reading in other to transform.
What defines you is what you do with your time, different teenager misuse their time believing their are still little,what is little is their hearts, littleness does not start from body size it starts from the mind, because as a teenager you have gotten to certain realm of awareness, awareness does not make u little anymore, teenagers are meant to use their time wisely considering that your teeneger life will determine if you will arrive well in your adulthood.

Don't sit down and complain about where you are, it won't change anything.
Make a move, and move out of your comfort zone.
Believing in your self is the beginning of your breakthrough

Never u believe that situations cannot changes, no matter how hard it is, it will definately change,  all that u need to do is to believe and work towards changing it.
Becoming a lawyer, doctor, engineers etc is not hard if there is preperation.preperation lead your to good destination,you can't arrive perfectly without preparation, preparation enables you to be fultified.
In life never you expect change from other.change is not a principle thing.

If you must see changes, the person that must change is you👉

A HIGH CONTENT OF LIGHT FOR TEENEGERSTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang