Chapter 1

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Her unprotected hands instantly froze as she collided face-first with the unforgiving ground of the snow-laden forest. Bathed in the moon's ethereal glow, a gust of winter's breath surged through the trees, tugging at her hair. Struggling to steady herself, she rose from the wintry embrace, her teeth clenching against the cold that seeped into her bones.

In the frigid air, her fingers throbbed mercilessly. With a desperate resolve, she flexed and released them repeatedly, a futile attempt to stave off the numbing frost. Swiftly, she retrieved her parachute, concealing it among the snow's pristine cover.

"Izabela!" A hushed voice reached her ears, prompting her to whip her head around to locate its source.

Jan Kubiš.

A rush of relief flooded over her, temporarily thawing the tension that gripped her heart. "Are you alright?" he asked, concern etched across his face.

"Yes. Are you?" she responded, but her words were tinged with apprehension as she realized that Josef was conspicuously absent. Urgency swelled within her. "Wait, where's Josef?" she pressed, her tone urgent.

Before Jan could offer an answer, a muffled cry pierced the stillness from a distance. They hurried towards the sound, their breath forming crystalline clouds in the frigid air. Yet, amidst their determined footsteps, the only sounds that they could hear were their own labored breathing. It was only a few minutes later that the scream sounded again, louder this time.

Bursting into a sprint, their boots crunching in the icy terrain, Izabela and Jan raced toward the origin of the piercing cries.

When they arrived at a clearing, their eyes fell upon Josef, entangled in a desperate struggle with his parachute ensnared in the branches of a pine tree. With urgency coursing through their veins, Izabela and Jan rushed to his side, noticing how shaky he was on his feet.

With arduous effort, they freed the parachute, burying it deep within the snow. Jan's voice broke the hushed silence that enveloped them. "Where's the equipment?"

Josef motioned behind them. Turning their gaze, they see a different parachute stuck in a high tree, dangling beneath it a metallic container.

"Fabulous." Izabela muttered with a note of sarcasm, her eyes narrowing at the sight. She couldn't help but notice Josef's limp; the toll of their landing painfully evident.

"Are you alright?" she asked, her brows furrowed with concern. "What happened?"

"Caught one of the branches on the way down." Josef confessed, his voice laced with the sting of pain.

Jan interjected, his voice carrying a hint of worry. "Can you walk?"

A sharp glance from Josef was his response.


Izabela and Jan supported Josef, wrapping their arms around him as they navigated the treacherous snowy path, each step leaving behind a chilling trail of crimson blood.

As the night settled upon them, they stumbled upon a cave, a welcome respite from the biting cold. Within its sheltering walls, their small fire flickered, its feeble flames offering a fragile warmth against the harsh elements.

Jan carved into a small piece of wood he found on the cave floor while Izabela directed her attention towards Josef's wound, her gentle touch an oasis of comfort.

With a pained grimace etched upon his face, Josef gingerly removed his boot, unveiling a blood-soaked sock that spoke of the injury concealed beneath. The dark, sticky stain served as a somber reminder of the deep gash that marred his ankle.

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