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So the readers mom gets like sick and put into the hospital and the reader finds out, but doesn't tell sam because she didn't want sam to worry, so she snuck off everyday to the hospital to visit her, She developed depression and really bad anxiety and insomnia and sam finds out. Sorry if it's not good, I forgot about this and then came back to it and rushed the end so yeah 👍.

This contains: mentions of depression, anxiety, insomnia, angst, a little fluff (I would've wrote more but I needed to post smth 😭😭), and other stuff like this. If this or anything else makes you uncomfortable, I recommend that you do NOT read this.
Request: Not a request, it was actually inspired by a video I saw.
Words: 1757


Sam, Y/n, Mindy, Chad, and Tara, have all moved to NY six months ago after the ghostface attacks. Y/n's mom lived in New York and Y/n was always close with her mom, her mom made her feel loved and always put her first, when Y/n first told her mom about dating sam, her mom was very supportive and loved sam like she loved Y/n. When Y/n told her mom that they were moving to NY, her mom was very happy. Her mom lived in Brooklyn while Y/n and Sam lived in the city so they lived about 30 minutes away from each other. After 2 months of living in NY, Y/n's mom got really sick and put into the hospital, she eventually fell into a coma. Y/n's dad left her and her mom when she was 2 so they had no contact with him, so Y/n was the only person the hospital called when she got put there, since they had no other family, her mom's parents died and her sister lived in another country and has no contact with them. Y/n snuck off to the hospital every day to visit her mom, she hasn't slept in 4 months and hasn't been the same. Anika quickly became best friends with Y/n, so when she wasn't with Mindy, she was with Y/n. Sam and Anika have noticed but Y/n just lies and says she is fine.


It was 1pm, which was the usual time that I went to visit my mother in the hospital, I told sam that I had to go to my job, praying she wouldn't find any of this out. The insomnia, the depression, the anxiety, the pills, everything else, all of it, if she found out, she would be pissed that I've been lying to her.

"Bye sam, I have to go to work."

"Yep, I know, bye." She came over to me and tried to hug me before I left, but I flinched when she put her arms out, causing her to not hug me.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm great, love you, bye."

"Love you too..." was the last thing I heard before walking out the door and to my car.


Y/n has been acting really weird lately, she usually loves physical touch but she flinches every time I try to hug her, she hates only saying "love you" because she says "it has less meaning if you don't put the I in front of it" but she hasn't said "I love you" in who knows how long, she stares off into space all the time, and her eyes, they look exhausted. She goes to her job everyday at 12:30 pm, she doesn't tell me where she works and she shows up very late every night. Anika was the only one to seem who noticed. Anika was thankfully at our dorm so I could tell her what happened this time, Chad, Ethan, Tara, Anika, and Quinn all had a small hangout. I walked up to Anika to pull her aside for a second.

"Hey can I talk to you for a second?" I asked

"Yeah, is everything okay?"

"Yeah, it's just something important I have to talk to you about." I said before walking into my room with her following behind.

Scream Character ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora