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I was going to give y/n a normal nurse outfit but when i saw this one I couldn't resist.... I love cute things too much....!! if you don't like it, you can imagine whatever you want. 1 detail I'd like to add is that she wears thigh High white stockings with it too (*ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ꕤ*.゚

fun fact: author loves angst and fluff very much! 
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i admired the outfit in the mirror, it was pretty cute.

scratch that, it was really cute. i was never able to wear cute outfits like this since most of our money was focused on my brothers treatment than clothes; which means most of my clothes were hand me downs from family. i did a little twirl before deciding to exit the room.

while walking, i turned my attention to the map, trying to remember the directions anri told me to follow but to no avail. i huffed in frustration, lifting my head up but the moment i did i knocked into a firm chest. i squeaked in shock, falling backwards but a hand pulled me forward and I stumbled into the person's chest again.

my heartbeat was erratic as I looked up, seeing a taller male scowling down at me. he had really pretty teal eyes and reddish-brown hair.

"what the hell are you doing? watch your step," he spat, letting go of me.

I blushed in embarrassment, waving my hands around in panic, "i-i'm so sorry! I was looking at this map.. I'm lost actually...!"

he raised his eyebrow, eyeing me up and down, "lost? are you a nurse?"

I nodded, "I just arrived here!"

"are they getting so desperate that they're hiring fucking children?" he said, furrowing his eyebrows.

"i'm not a child! I'm 17!"

"whatever... that doesn't concern me," he said as he began walking off.

"wait!" i called out, pulling him by his sleeve. he turned around and took my hand that was holding his sleeve, "what?"

"do you know the way around here? I'm trying to get to ego jinpachi.." I said nervously, feeling his bigger and warm hand holding my wrist.

he stared at me for a moment before sighing, a cold expression replacing his previously annoyed one. he let go of my wrist and walked up to me, taking the map I was holding instead. he pointed at it, "you're here right now. keep going forward and take a sharp right and you'll be there." I nodded, following his finger with my eyes.

"thank you, sir!" I said with a grin, taking the map as he shrugged.

the man put his hands in his pockets and finally walked off.

I realized I hadn't asked for his name, but if we meet again I'll decide that it's fate.

I finally ended up in front of the door i've been searching for. the guy's explanation was very clear and I thankfully made it without difficulty.

the door opened automatically and I walked inside the dark room. the only light source were the many TV's in the room and in front of them sat a rather tall man.

"e-excuse me!" I called out. the man spun around in his chair to face me.

"y/n. perfect timing." he said, a bored expression on his face. he pushed his glasses up before motioning for me to come to him, "allow me to introduce you to the boys."

I nodded reluctantly, feeling confused. I didn't understand a thing and this man was acting like I knew him...

I walked up to him and stood in front of the TV's which is when I noticed that they were displaying a bunch of teenage boys in skintight uniforms.

The Cute Foreign Girl ♡ BLUE LOCK x READER | ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now