Their Last Day

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Kunzite was in front of her ship standing next to Pink. She had been staying with Pink for 6 months and now it was time to go. “Pink, I can try to ask the diamonds if I can stay longer since Rose Quartz has been spotted multiple times. They won’t want me to leave if you are in danger.” Pink shook her head. “I’ll be fine Kuzi. I’ll see you when you come back and we can spend time together like always. Besides I wouldn’t want them to be mad at you asking for more time.” Kunzite still felt paranoid. Pink noticed that and cupped Kunzite's face in her hands. “I promise you I’ll be fine.” Kunzite smiled putting a hand over Pinks. “Okay, I trust you.” Pink smiled pecking Kunzite's forehead. 

She made her way up the stairs until she reached the top. She turned around and looked at Pink. Pink smiled and waved. Kunzite waved back. 

When the ship left Kunzite imagined what Pink and her will do together when she comes back. 

Pink watched as the ship left with sad eyes. She knew what she was about to do was wrong, but this way they’ll leave Earth alone. She just wishes that her Kuzi will understand when she finds out what “happened” to her and what really happened to her.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2023 ⏰

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