Mystery days - 07

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She drops me off home and we smile and wave each other goodbye. I unlock my front door and Cam Is watching tv and LoLo is at his bed. "Hey" I close the door, Cam looks at me and tapss a spot on the couch for me to sit. I take a seat next to Cam and LoLo hops in my lap "I brought the car back so don't worry" She pauses her show "What happened?" I grin at her "I've got a date with Logan after work" She happily steams with a big smirk on her face "Shit Cams that's great but we should be leaving soon" I smile with her. "Oh shit I forgot, get dressed we leave soon" She stood up and shoved me into my room.



I shove V in her room to get dressed. she then comes out in a white skin tight dress, black heels and a long beige blazer. On her shoulder was a white clutch purse and her blonde hair in a low bun. "We can go now, Cam" I grabbed her hand and tugged her out of her house and released once we reached my car. We get in the car and we get on the topic of what happened last night as Cam drives to our destination.

(Her Outfit)

 "So after we left the club, apparently I was really drunk and Mae took me to her house and before you ask no we didn't have sex, but when she was driving after the club I had said something and I can't remember

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"So after we left the club, apparently I was really drunk and Mae took me to her house and before you ask no we didn't have sex, but when she was driving after the club I had said something and I can't remember. What about you." She shared in the passenger seat, Mae seems great and all but I'm nervous if Viv gets attached and they leave, she won't be able to handle it anymore. "Well at the bar we talked for a bit and I mentioned that he should come to the bid and he said that he'll be there then my dumb ass proceed to ask him out to a diner after and He said yes!" I squealed in excitement as I parked in front of my work building.

We walk in the building and the main room is beautiful it's the exact way I imagine it to be, tables perfectly spaced and the flowers in the center of every table and floors polished to excellence, the podium is grey the base is black and the table aside of the podium to set the art pieces on. "It's beautiful." Vivs eyes were widened and filled with amazement. "Thank you, follow me. People are gonna start coming in soon." I smiled and walked to my studio.

I open my studio door and we walk in and sit down on a couch. "Remember I'm staying only for an hour" She reminds me and I glare at her and smirk. "I'm serious, Cam." I playfully frowned and we laughed. "We should've went to eat before coming here." I say feeling a little hungry. "We should've." She agrees and lays her head back.

Once more people walked in the door, I got a 5 minute warning to be on stage and I got up and strolled out of my studio to the stage hiding behind the curtain and Vivian next to me the whole time. Once someone introduced me I left vivs and went onto stage and everyone clapped as I reached the podium. "Hey everyone my name is Camille Rose, your host and I hope you all will have a great night, food and drinks will be out momentarily. Thank you." the curtains closed and people brought out a Greek inspired clay art piece then the curtains opened. "A Greek inspired clay art work done by Nova Isle. I'll start the bid at 500." People bid back and forth and they stop at 7,000.

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