The Beginning

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Y/n was a normal girl with a normal life, until something happens that would change her life forever...

It all started on a regular Saturday morning. You wake up beautifully and opened your eyes to the radiating sun piercing through the windows. You delicately swing your feet to the side of the bed as you slowly put your clean, shimmering, and smooth feet to the fluffy carpet on the floor. You get out of bed and do the normal thing any normal girl would do. You brush your teeth, take a shower because you're a little stinky, take a dump, and go to the kitchen to find something to devour.

"I need to eat something," you say as you elegantly walk into the kitchen like the model that you seem to be.

"Honey buns, come to the living room real quick," your mom says.

You cutely and lightly walk your 4,1 body to the living room to see your mom sitting on the couch with a heart wrenching expression that makes your insides want to throw up the non-existent food you didn't even eat.

"Y-y-yes?" you ask. Your mom gestures you to move closer so you can read the paper that's in her hands. Your mom lets out a deep, long sigh as she begins to read, "Dear mother of y/n, I, the mafia boss, and my crew, will be taking your daughter because we can. Make sure to meet us, with y/n, at the McDonald's play place tomorrow sometime in the afternoon. We'll be there from 12-2pm, and if you're not there by then, we'll have to abduct her ourselves. Thanks, see you then."

Your eyes go wide, mouth drooling, booty jiggling, and tears forming in your beautiful, luscious eyes. You say, "What?!?!? You aren't just going to give me away to them are you !!??"

Your mom looks at you and looks back down at her lap and says, "I don't want to but.. I have to..."

"What do you mean you have to!?! I thought you were super rich and loved me," you blurt out.

"I do love you! And I was rich but.. that was last year honey," your mom says, looking up at your sad, confused, but still beautiful face.

"Well what happened?!? Did you lose all of your money and now for some odd reason can't keep me because of that???"

"It's not that I lost it all but-"

"What is it then???!!! And why would the mafia even want me?!" You cut her off. "Sweetie poops, I think it's about time I explain some things to you," your mom says in a bittersweet tone.

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