That room

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As you continue to get dragged away to the mysterious room you feel something in your pants. "Oh god, don't tell me that's a poop again, I swear I cleaned well today ugh!" you say quietly.

You find yourself on a bumpy ride when realizing that you're being pulled down some stairs. "Ow!!! Be more careful you're hurting my precious bum and delicate feet!" you yell at the men. "The boss was right, she's quite loud.." the one on the right says. "I know right.." the other agrees. "Oh my god!! Why does everyone say that?? I'm just being a confident, straightforward queen!" you say in your defense.

You plop on some cold tiles and look around to see the dark themed room that only has a bed, a little table with a candle on it, and one small window that's in the middle of the room probably for some light during the day.

"Ewww, are you hinting that I'm going to be staying here are what?" you say while releasing yourself from their grip and standing up to dust your clothes off.

"Yup, now get in there," he says and slams the door shut in a very violent way.

"NO!!! WHY DO I HAVE TO BE IN A ROOM LIKE THIS?! WHAT DID I DOOO" you screech at the top of your lungs while looking at them through the tiny glass window in the door.

"The boss told us that you were being weird and destructive again," righty says while locking the door.

"Yeah, he said you were working out and saying you won't perish or something like that," lefty says, trying to contain his laughter.

"Well I won't perish! And yes, I was working out and I'm proud of it you know!" you macho-ly say.

"Yea yea well have fun in there," righty says and proceeds to leave with lefty.

You turn your focus away from the door and look around the room. "Wow, so they gave me a real mattress here but not in the nice room???!!!" you think to yourself.

"Oh no, I still feel something in my pants ugh!" you reach in your pants to find that there isn't a poop block, but a burger! "Omg! It's the burger transmitter from big bouncy Bob!! I don't think it's going to help right now though..." you say in sadness and despair.

You make your way over to the actual bed, finally, and jump on it like a trampoline. "Man.. this is so boring, they didn't even have a good, solid excuse as to why they locked me up in this crummy dungeon. I'm weird and disruptive?? I bet they're just saying that like always because they're jealous and scared of how beautiful I am."

Jumping off the bed, you go over to the door's window again. You try to see if you can find anything at all that could help you escape this ugly place.

You sadly don't see anything except the stairs so you go back to your bed and sit down. It's silent for a good few seconds, no thoughts, no sounds, just pure silence. "This is so scary, I so don't deserve this for so many reasons. They should be the ones in here not me!" To your surprise you see the burger on the bed. "I thought I had it in my hand, that's weird.. Ohh it must have fallen out when I was playing on the bed. I'm surprised it survived that long though considering how my jumps are like earthquakes, or so people say.." you think, scoffing at the last part.

"Omg wait!! This burger seems solid enough to smash through the tiny glass frame in the door!!" you ecstatically say.

You return to the door and look at the frame. "Hmm I might end up destroying the burger but I gotta get out of this ugly, un-princess like place!" You pick up the burger, look at it, and smash it into the glass. Shards of glass splatter around, "Yessss it worked! Now its just how to escape..." you think to yourself while biting your lip and raising your eyebrow suspiciously. "I think I'm cutely small enough for this to work." You proceed to start pushing yourself through the small hole and thankfully don't get stuck doing so. "Omg I'm so cool I did it all by myself too!" 

"Now let's try to find out how to get out of this place," you say as you make your way up the stairs. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2023 ⏰

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