On the way

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You were awakened from your deep slumber by a toot that was mysteriously let out from your chambers. You find it odd because a beautiful, elegant, model type princess like you wouldn't normally do such a thing.

But you let it slide this time and make your way to the bathroom to wash up and get clean because today's the day you will meet the so called, ultimate mafia group, at McDonald's.

"Quite a peculiar place to meet at for the mafia, but whatever," you say as you brush your soft, stunning, extraordinarily glowing hair while looking in the mirror and admiring how unbelievably amazing you look today.

You get dressed, eat breakfast, spend some time watching videos and looking at your beautiful form in the mirror for some hours, and then you realize it's time...

"Time to go sugar plum!" you hear your mom say from the living room. You take one last look at your splendid form and go off to the living room.

You're wearing your favorite hat that says "NomNomNom" because you just can't express how much you love food. You're wearing comfy clothes and normal shoes because your mom said that you can't wear your food shoes today. It made you a little sad but you decided you'll just go with it because this is a pretty formal occasion.

You're in the car and you're starting to feel pretty nervous. You start sweating profusely and to you it feels like the sun is right in your face making you sweat buckets of sweat. Your hands are greasy from the nerves and probably sweat, but you just can't shake the rising fear you have of what will happen after you're given away to those men.

Your mom looks over at you and sees your fearful expression. She doesn't want to get rid of you, but she's still part of The Dumpies and this will hopefully be a big step in their plan.

"Hey sweetie poops.. I know you're scared but just know we'll try our best to protect you as much as we can."

"Wait, what? But how are you going to do that if I'm gonna be with them all the time?" you ask curiously and confused with your eyes sparkling in the natural sunlight. Your skin is gleaming because of the sun and probably the sweat on your whole body too.

"Oh yea, I forgot to tell you. Basically, you have to do some undercover work there without them finding out. You're not just going to be doing nothing when you're over there. You're going to collect as much info on them as you can, and then my friend, big bouncy bob, will give you a small device he made that's the shape of a burger so you can record what you hear and find out and then write that down or record the convos," she explains to you

Your mouth drops, you begin to sweat even more, your hair and clothes look drenched as if you just took a swim but you most definitely did not. You're just sweating buckets.

You feel like crying, throwing up, needing to go to the bathroom for many reasons, and of course, you feel like jumping off a cliff. But right now you can't so you just have to accept this sad, sweat full fate.

You finally arrive at McDonald's parking place.

Throughout the whole car ride your eyes were staring blankly into the distance. No thoughts, just blank, sweaty stares.

You get knocked back into reality and see your mom looking at you with a sad and confused expression, almost looks like she's disgusted but you don't worry about it because you have other things on your mind.

"It's time sweetie," you hear her say.

You slowly but surely turn your head in her direction. She gasps when she sees your bloodshot looking eyes. You try to let out a goofy smile, but the sadness and fear turns your face into the frown of a blob fish.

"Let's go.." your mom says

You unbuckle your seatbelt and open the door. You step your first toe out and then the rest of the toes follow. You then make your way to the McDonald's front door.. and enter...

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