Chapter #3 The 2nd meeting

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America answered the call from UN.
UN:Greeting America,
Ame: Hi, what wrong?
UN:Sorry for the short notice, but we have a meeting tomorrow. Please make sure to come as it is mandatory.
Ame:Okay. Sure.
UN:Also you need to wear a suit as we have a guest coming over.
UN: Again, sorry for the short notice

me: It's okay, no worries.

UN:Have a great day, Sir. Bye.
Hangs up.
(America's pov and also the next day)
I started to get ready, and I put on a suit that took so long. Then I saw that I had 39 min left. So I decided to go on taxi because why not. When I arrived, I saw almost everyone but Canada, which I feel bad about because of yesterday incident. EU gives me a weird glare and then glars away, but then he tells New Zealand to call Canada to see if he is okay or if he is doing well. Which then New Zealand calls Canada, and canada responds, and he says that he is sick. I have a feeling that he is lying, and I know he is because I know him,and yesterday he didn't sound sick, which would be odd. After 2 hours of the meeting, it finally ended, and EU wanted to talk to me. EU says ??????????? And that I should start ?????????. I look at him, and he looks at me in a serious face. Once he told me that I could leave, I received a call from Uk[A quick note when it says Me it equals to America]
UK:Come to my place we are doing something special.
UK:See you soon. (Sipping tea noises)
Me:Bye, are you really drinking tea.
UK:Yes, their is always time for drinking tea.
(Hangs up)
No one pov
After America arrived at the Uk house. He sees New Zealand, Australia, and a sadden Canada. America looks disappointed. He wants to leave, but before he can, Uk says we are doing a family reunion. Everyone seems excited except America. Uk says, "WHO WANTS TEA?" Which no response but America says "I will have one." Everyone looks shocked, but UK. Canada says, "Are you sure? You usually never get tea and always hated tea after the boston Tea Party, " America replies."So one time I get tea, and now I am weird and different." When Uk gives Ame tea, america drinks it like a "gentleman," which Australia starts to laugh, and New Zealand also starts to laugh. America likes the flavor of the tea but doesn't tell anyone. America says,"UK, what flavor is the tea?"
Uk is a little surprised by what he says and states it "mint tea flavor," America replies with thanks then America finsh sipping the tea.
[After 3 hours still no one pov,]
America is bored and wants to leave, but Canada is begging him to stay. America says fine. They play around until the UK makes food. Which Uk is a bad cooker. Ame says, "I'm making the food. Trust me, you guys will be impressed." When America finshs he give each one to try and all of them finishes and it very good. Canada says, "How do you know how to cook?"
America doesn't respond. Canada and New Zealand are suspicious. They both say, "How do you know how to cook?". America doesn't respond again. Uk looks at America to be dead silent. Australia knows something wrong and says, "What going on, You two are acting suspicious?" America finally says something. He knows how to cook because he has free time and doesn't know what to do in free time but in a serious tone. Then Uk looked at him to tell him to go home. Canada looks at America and sees that he is worried and scared, which he never really happens into america.
America pov
I am very worried and scared, and I see Canada looking at me, so now I have to tell them that I have to work. But after I told them I was going to leave they said to stay but I said no. I spoke that I have so much work as the leader of NATO and work that UN has given me. After some time, they convinced me to stay, and before I went to the kitchen , I made some mint tea. It is delicious, but New Zealand and Australia look at me with a "why face." I didn't notice that I finished. I told them that I had to leave for important reason snd they let me go so I drove in my fancy expensive car. When I arrived, I remembered the necklace that the creppy lady gave me. It still looks pretty, but Canada called it ugly. I think to myself, why am I thinking about this? Why was I mean to Canada when he says it was ugly? I looked at the necklace, and I wanted to try. You know try new things but i am nervous but I think to myself why am I worrying it just a necklace so when I decided to wear it. As it touched my skin, I feel.....

A/N:Hi, I keep leaving if a cliffhanger cause idk. Hope you guys like it. So, pretty much. Canada keeps sussing ame, which I just can not blame because he is or maybe? Okay, have a great and wonderful day or night. Peace out - Writer

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