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A/N: Quick thing I'm making this story long. Now you can read and sorry if you get bored :(
America's pov
I feel so powerful and a differ...
Before I finished thinking, I saw blackness surrounding me, and I fell on the car wheel, I woke up, and I realized I fainted. I walked out of the car and walked to the bathroom, and I saw myself. I look pretty and handsome, In my mind, I'm thinking of stabbing or killing. I think to myself, why am I thinking of these thoughts so I try taking off the necklace, but it won't come out. ALL THESE THOUGHTS ARE HURTING MY HEAD AND CAUSING A HEADACHE. I feel like crying, but I catch my tears and hold it in and mot tear up. I walk to my bedroom, and I feel salty and hot water coming down my eye. The pain won't go away, but when I try taking down the necklace, it won't. I see a black figure shadow figure that looks like me. He says to me, "Hello, Nice to meet you. Don't try to take the necklace off it wont come off unless something happens. I will help you." I... I don't know anything anymore, so I look at him. He told me to fall asleep. I tell him that "I don't want to and why I should listen to him?" The dark shadow figure tells me to just give up and to fall asleep because I will need it for tomorrow. I wanted to respond, but I felt my eye closing and had no strength to open it and fell asleep.
(The next day, when morning arrived.)
When I wake up, I see the shadow figure waiting for me to get up. He tells me to change. I change into a NASA shirt and dark blue jeans and with my sunglasses on. When I made breakfast and I was about to eat my delicious waffles. Then the shadow figure told me to change again, and I told him no because I had just changed. He makes a dark hoddie with black pants appear out of thin air. I tell him why a black oufit? He didn't answer me. He gave me a death glare, and once I do change, he gives me black masks and a beanie. I took off the mask and started eating. Once I finished, he told me to put on the mask on again and to go to the airport. I agree because I have no other plans and was bored. When we arrived, he told me to say the name Alex. I agree and said, "I am here for my plane. My name is Alex" They greet me and gave a jet, and I give a glare to the shadow. We went on the jet, and I asked him how he booked the jet? He responded with my money.
After 2 hours of flying
No one's pov
When America sees the island of Japan. He starts to feel pain in the black glowing necklace. He feels different, and he starts to think of negative stuff he tells the shadow why he is pain and his head hurting like hell . Shadows says, "I'll tell you when the time comes." America gets confused and starts laughing, and he grins. When they arrive, America get off and makes sure no one will see him and goes to the capital city, and he touches the wall with a ????. Then he went away from the spot and got some sushi. He went back to the jet, and he waited for the next destination. He starts talking to the shadows and starts to joke about Ww2 (Sorry if your sensitive about this topic) and how he felt about the axis. America starts laughing like a psychopaths. America started yelling at the poliet to hurry. When America looks at shadows, he closes his eyes, feeling tired and tired surrounding him. He falls asleep.

Canada's pov (This is after Ame left and before ame put in the necklace so after when Ame left the family reunion)
I see america glaring at Uk. Then I heard america wanting to leave, but we didn't let him leave. I was worried because recently he is acting strangely than usual. I am very worried about him. After Ame left, I tell my father that I am leaving and that I have a busy day tomorrow and that I have to leave so I did and took a plane to the airport, so after I waited what I did first is fall asleep, and tomorrow I will call EU and UN. Then, when tomorrow hit, I first ate because I need to, and I ate pancakes, and then I took a plane to the meeting building. When I arrived, and I first see EU, so I tried walking up to him but I tried to talk to him, but he was just busy with important work. UN instead goes up to me and asks me what is wrong. I tell him about Ame and how he is not normal. UN tells me that he has noticed that he has been acting strange. We then talked about something and about meetings.
I tell UN that I have you go. When I left, I saw Mexico.
Conversation: Mexico and canada
M:Hola canada.
C:Hi, Mexico.
M:Long time no see, how you been?
C:Well, I have been fine.
M:That good.
C:You know, where is america?
M:No, I haven't. Why?
C:Well, I need to talk to him
[After the conversation it lasted for a long time, I didn't know what to write for their conversation]

America's pov
I wake up and see Shadow laughing. He looks at me with a happy face, which so far I haven't seen him smile since I've met him. He tells me that we are 1 hour and 34 minutes away from our 2nd stop. I have a question and I tell him that where are we going?. He tells me to the capital of Ř̴̢̙̖͈̩͉̬̦͓̭̽u̴͖͍͈͖͝ͅs̸̗̺̿s̵̗̘̹̞̦͙̹̑̏̆̈̆̅̀͜͝í̸̺͙̹̞̣̖͎̬̹͇à̵̟͕̘̆̊͠͝. ... I stand up and go to the bathroom. I take off my sunglasses and see my blacks eyes. I look down and see water coming down my eye. I really cry all the time when no one is seeing as I feel sad most of the time, but this time is different. My tear is black and gold, which has never happened to me. I.. I wipe off my tears, and then I go outside, but I... shadow looks at me and tells me that to not worry and that he will be here for me even through the bad moments. He smiles at me, and I tell him what his name is. He tells me that his name is ______. It was a pretty name, and I told him that it was very pretty. When we arrived, he gave a bag that was heavy but I followed his order because he would always be by my side and I trusted him. He won't betray me, right?

When we arrived, he told me to get the thing from the bag, and I did. When I saw the ????. I just could not react, I wanted to cry and not do it, but the shadow told me to do it and that he would always be here. I smiled at him, and it felt wonderful for someone to be by my side, so I put the ???? On the wall. It felt great and wonderful and we went to different location and I kept putting the ????. Shadow start laughing and told me to book a hotel because it was getting late and that the jet needs to rest as well we need to. When we start walking. Shadow told me that he sees a male aggressive person, and when I looked around, it was Russia. I stopped and saw Russia walking up to me, so I quickly ran away, but Russia ran towards me. When I was running, I tripped, and Russia caught up to me. He asked why I was running and that he said beanie was not aloud in Russia.
(You can wear a beanie to Russia, just not in this story because fun...) Shadow told me to hit him hard and run. I refuse to hit him, but I want to. A pain from the black glowy necklace is back, and it hurts a lot and I just wanted to cry to make the pain go away. I saw black everywhere and I...
No one's pov
America started to laugh like a psychopath and Russia was confused and said ты англичанин. (you're an English person), so he tried to hurt the "man" (Man=America.). Ame moved and punched Russia hard. Russia looked down and saw a hand mark. He started to take a hard breath. ты сильно ударил, я вижу. ты не убежишь. (You hit hard, I see. you won't run away.)America ran as fast as he could, which then he started to grim and laugh, but Russia was running. Then he took left and ran for the hotel. America looks back and starts to be happy as he loses Russia along the way.

AN:Hi, thank you for reading. I hope you enjoy the story so far. Also, here is a quick thing. Superpowers country like America have benefits like super strength or running fast. Depending on their rank
Bye until later or never?

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