chapter #12:What?

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No one pov
The unknown man (America) shoots and misses NATO by 1 centermeter. NATO turns back and says, "Wow, you misses me by a centermeter. That means you have experience of shooting and you ethier of you on purpose or on accident." The unknown man says,"Well, I'm sorry for not introducing myself, A bad manner of mine. Anyways, if you don't know yet, then my name is ______ ______.
(I don't know, what name to put.)
America pov
I just introduced myself to nato, which feels amazing. I can't wait for the meeting tomorrow. Anyways, NATO is moving in a circle and trying to confuse me, but I know him better than anyone else expect UN. I can see his every move as I know his strategy moves. I wish I could continue to play with him, but I need to get home. I look around and see him slow down a bit, which means he is ready for an attack. I feel my pocket, which has only guns, shotguns, bullets, matches, and cigarettes. Hmm. Nothing that can really tie him up. I see a small vine hanging from a tree. He then gets ready to attack, but luckily me I use my wings to fly out and grab the vine without him noticing. He tells me, "Wow, good job in dodging, but this I won't let you dodge this time."  He starts running toward me, and what I do is....
Uk's pov...
I walk around waiting for NATO and UN. They are taking longer than I expected, but it could be something dangerous, so its reasonable.  Hmm, for now, I'll get to explore a bit. I really have never been to his house before... I walk to his bedroom, and it is neat. The bed is done there, no mess. Wow. He really is not messing as I thought. When I walked to his kitchen. He really had a neat house, and even his kitchen is well done. Hm. I look at the window and see someone flying towards here. It can't be UN or NATO. Their wings are black, but UN and NATO are different colors. It couldn't be... their no way... is the person who tried to rob me and who shot america, but the person wings were brown and not black.  But why is it coming here? Did it leave something? Or is it for revenge... He is coming here fast, and I need something to defend myself. America does have weapons in his house.. I just need to find them...  his house is not that big.. let me take a look in the kitchen..
(Before Uk saw someone flying.)
NATO pov
This guy's named _____ _____.  I can't believe he dodged my attacks. I have to think about my next plan. I have to capture him. I hope UN doesn't mind if I come a little late. I start running toward him, and I.... I... I didn't see it... he wrapped me around a tree with a vine.. how? I tell him, "How? Did you do it?" He replied to me saying "just a trick, and now if you don't mind, I have to be somewhere." He starts flying away while I'm stuck near a tree. I try to get out, but
This is too strong... ugh... I can't believe this. I need to try something, I can't just be stuck here... I must be strong, but this vine it to tight.
UN pov.
NATO is taking a long time. Canada gets up. He looks at me... I get concern as I really doesnt like to be late, but it must be reasonable. I must go back to find him.... but he must be okay.... right? Canada looks at me with a confused face.... he tells me, "Are you okay? You seem worried?" Which I responded with,"NATO and I came to the place, and NATO decided to run here, and he is very fast... he would have been here by now." He then also seemed concerned... maybe he is trapped in the forest? I started walking to the forest  until Canada interrupted me... he told me, "Where was I going?" I told him to "the forest." I continued walking, but this time, Canada was coming along so I wouldn't be alone. He can't be that far? Right? I'm hope NATO is okay.
America Pov
Fighting NATO was fun, but I have to end it. I should really work on the one button. It just need some thing and it's done.. I just hope Japan, Russia, and France haven't discovered the ____.
When I arrived at my house. I went inside and I saw someone. It wasn't just NATO and UN. Their is someone in here... I look around, holding a gun with bullets load in. I see no one until......
No one pov.
The uk came out of nowhere and was going to hit the unknown man (America) but misses. America then looks back and hit Uk in the stomach. Which cause Uk to spit out blood of his mouth. America then pinned Uk to the wall. Uk struggled to escape. He looked at the unknown man in the eyes. America was about to shoot Uk, but then... he stopped... he hit the uk in the head to make go unconscious, and they carried Uk to a chair and tied him around. America grabbed the button he was working on and started to work.
(Going back to Canada and UN but still no one pov)
Canada and UN walk to the forest looking for NATO. They walk for about 3 minutes and no sign of NATO. They look and look. The forest becomes dark and scary. Canada looks scared while UN ingores the forest. Canada gets closer to the UN. They hear some bushes moving in the distances. UN then goes towards the bushes and sees.....

A/N:Hey, sorry for not posting much... I was busy. Yeah. This story is close to 1k. Love you guys. Thanks. peace

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