Chapter 12

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♠︎Zee's pov

Today Tommy, Jimmy, Poppy and Max and I went to the cafeteria that we usually goes. Because Tommy had received a call that Saint is coming to this cafeteria with his friend Asha. We all sat on the cushion style seats. I picked up the phone and played some games. 

Suddenly the door opened and everyone looked at them, looking at the two of them they were really mesmerized

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Suddenly the door opened and everyone looked at them, looking at the two of them they were really mesmerized. It is none other than Saint and his friend Asha. When I see Saint, he is very magnificent in his clothes.

(Imagine this is how Saint looks like. )

(Imagine Asha is look like this with along with Saint

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(Imagine Asha is look like this with along with Saint.)

Tommy waved to them then saint waved to him back

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Tommy waved to them then saint waved to him back. He came to us with his friend. They sit with Tommy and Jimmy. Yes, Saint has got good friends and I am proud of that. He got such a beautiful friend. I cannot but admire the beauty of Saint. 

"Hey Saint. Isn't this the same dress that you wear that day in Switzerland? Finally I saw you in this dress. So beautiful. And also it's your Swiss bestfriend's selection. Such a wonderful selection." Tommy remarks on Saint and his friend. Both were thanked toTommy. 

"So guys, I'd like to introduce my one and only best friend in Switzerland, please welcome Natasha Oberoi. And I call her Asha." The Saint introduced her to them.

"Hi Natasha. Please sit here. I'm glad we got a chance to meet you." Tommy told her. 

"Thank you so much. You all can call me Asha. Ah.. are you Tommy,right?" she asked. Tommy nodded.

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