Chapter 15

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Saint's pov 

I woke up in the early morning because today is our fresher's day in college. I packed some of my outfits for the function. Because our college coordinator had informed that there is not just our favorite movie character's role playing, but also some dance performance, singing performance and fashion show and miss and mister fresher beauty pageant. But I only selected singing performance.

I quickly get showered 🚿 and went to the dinning room to have some breakfast. After breakfast, I was about to get inside of my car but suddenly someone horns with his car horn infront of my house. When I looked at the guy who got outside of the car,it was none other than Amar and also Akbar and Anthony. I came came towards them and give them a group hug. 

"Hey,why are you here?" I asked them. 

"You've broken our promises, Saint!" Amar complained to me.

"I could have run you over!" I yelled at them but three Indians simply grinned.

"You broke my heart! How could you!" Anthony grumbled.

"Cause I have to go to the college, today is our fresher's day. I'm sorry!" I smiled.

 "Mm,ok.Shall we come with you in your college?" Akbar said. 

"Sure..." I smiled.

Suddenly my mother came outside of my house and saw us.

"Goodmorning, Aunty." They greeted her. She greeted them back. Then she started to watering the plants. 

"By the way, what are the programs that your college coordinators are arranging?" asked 

"Some dance performance, singing performance, solo performance, fashion show and also Mister&Miss fresher's day beauty pageant. Also welcome speech." I replied. 

"What program you going to participate?" Anthony said. 

"You are know it. Singing performance. But when I got a call by my friend Tommy,he said that I should get and pack some of my outfits, cause we must participate the programs like fashion show and Miss and mister fresher beauty pageant. " I said. 

"Alright. But don't worry. We'll definitely have an eye on you. Because in our country,when we in our college there was some jealous peoples who were attempts to messing someone's stage outfits and their performance. So that's I don't want to be get mess by some brats." Amar stated.

"Yeah. We'll be your bodyguards." Akbar exaggerated and I laughed. I missed my friends more than I realised.

"I haven't laughed like that for quite sometime." I said to them after my laughter subsided.

"Thank you Amar,Akbar,Anthony." Saint said. 

"Saint... You always laugh... What happened?" Anthony questioned me after studying me. Their sympathy filling their eyes.

"I fell in love and got my heart broken in the process." I answered while remembering every moments with Zee. 

 "WHO? How could she do that to you!?" Akbar made a face.

"You cannot force people to love you." I replied.

"You are THIS perfect! How could she!" Amar exclaimed.

"It is a he by the way." I shared. I don't know how will they react while knowing that I'm gay. Then what happened is I again got hugged by those three guys when I was about to cry. Thought that they might be disgusts my sexuality. 

 "You even cried, right?" My eyes watered when Amar said it.

"Too bad that he even hurt your feelings!" Akbar grumbled.

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