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Slay Baddie Bibble was having the most slaytastical day EVER. He and Vector decided to have a sleepover. The next day, he and Vector were hopping into a coffee shop, and their jaws DROPPED in shock because they saw 2 men with really cool pants. Those slay pants made them want to dance. Then they started to advance to tell them that they really liked their pants. "Wait, stop, we're gonna make it weird for everyone in here, and we're gonna break their flow, so we better just not," said Vector. Bibble responded with," You're really dumb." Then the 2 hot men looked up. They thought Bibble was calling them really dumb. So the Bibble started to explain to them that he was saying it to Vector. Then he complimented their pants. "Thanks, bbg, I'm Harry Styles, and this is Gru. I understand. We made these pairs of pants by hand. So now I believe that it is time for us to dance." And then they all danced and had a great time all because Bibble and Vector gave strangers compliments. "Oh yeah. U-u-u-u-u-u-u-um, do you think I could have your number, Gru? " said Vector. "Of course, baby gworl, it's 123-420-6969" "o-o-o-ok! Thank you hottie" Vector said winking. "Hey, it's me, Harry Styles! Can I have your number, Bibble is it?" "U-u-u-uh-uh-uh-uhm, yeah ofc!" Bibble said, butterflies swarming in his stomach. "It's 420-690-6666." "Thank bbg." responded, Harry. THEN THEY ALL GOT MARRIED AND LIVED HAPPILY EVER AFTER.

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