melody •

Whenever I have to appear in front of a doctor, my inside get so numb.

I start thinking the worst about everything and sometimes it could be nothing wrong at all.

But, lately I've been having terrible pains and headaches at times.

It all started after that big brawl that went down at Shang album release party.

I mess up my hands pretty bad, so that was one of the reason why I was also here to get this check up.

I started to play with the Leather seating until the sound of soft knocking, and the door knob turning caught my attention.

Placing my hands quickly into my lap I smiled as the doctor peak her head inside before fully walking in.

" good morning sweetheart, my name is doctor May how are you?"

Clearing my throat I sat up straight so that she'll know she has my undivided attention now.

" my name is melody Tatum, and I'm doing good, just been going through a lot of things within the past two months"

She nodded while getting her computer screen set up with the information that she would need on me.

" I can understand that, but it will get better in time, by the way my daughter listens to your music and I also enjoy your songs it speaks to a lot of us women who are independent"

" Im grateful that my music can do that to women it means a lot to hear that" I said while taking my eyes off of her and on to a poster with a mother holding onto her baby.

After she was all ready to go, she lean over for the clipboard that was on the counter.

" so what can I help you with today ms Tatum?"

Not even sure where to start, I figure that I'll start with the fight.

After I explain every embarrassing details of how everything came to be, and how I ended up with bruise hands she just sat there puzzled.

It was silent as she looked back over the information that I told her.

" wow, I'm so sorry to hear that melody, I want you to know that If he doesn't see how good he has it then it's his lost" she said in my defense.

I agreed but I knew it was too late for him.

He should have already known that he had it all but apparently the fame was taking over his mind.

" okay I'll will get you some medicine for those hands of yours, and I'll will also run some blood work on those pains that you been experiencing for the past couple of days"

She left me alone as she did her duties as to making sure I was good.

Finding something to get my mind off of any bad news that could possibly come my way and prayerfully there is none, I open up my instagram to see if my fans reacted to my new single I just dropped.

Then not wanting to, I completely forgot that I was still following Shang page and my face was flushed.

What was I seeing right now.

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