2: Say My Name

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George POV:

I was straining against the marble walls as the heavens and my mind began to collide, my vision became blurry and it became clearer that this plague would continue to follow me. This constant reminder of the madman I have become, recently exacerbated by my new bride and her relentless tendencies to attempt to get close to me. She is not allowed to grow close to me, I do not wish for her to be close to me. I can not be the reason she is in pain, and I mustn't allow myself to be tempted by her or the life she believes we may have together.

I was in my observatory cleaning the last of my dinner of the plate, with Reynolds positioned firmly at the door when the clacks of wheels on a carriage were heard just outside. I stopped chewing and focused on the sound, tilting my head up towards Reynolds in confusion attempting to ask him why I am hearing the sounds of an arrival. Reading my mind he gave me a firm nod and looked out the doors to see what was a miss. I heard the click of his boots returning from the door as I looked up, ready for his explanation.

"The Queen is here, your majesty," my jaw tightened as I set the fork down on the tray and straightened it out with my fingers. I looked around at the mess that gathered in the corners of the room, nodding my head in paralyzing irony before taking a deep breath in.

"Help me tend to the room," I commanded Reynolds and he obliged helping me straighten the blankets on my makeshift bed as I organized the literature I had been studying. My heart was pounding as I struggled to remain composed at the thought of her here, too close to me, invading my space. My hand began to shake but I brought it against my hip and panted, desperately trying to regain control of my head. Reynolds noticed and walked over to me.

"Your majesty, shall I send for the royal physician?" he asked, concerned for my well-being.

"That will not be necessary," I replied and straightened my back so as to not appear disheveled. I gave him a firm nod and returned to the matter of organizing the space. I could hear the horses pause, and the carriage wheels stopped their chatter. The click of her heels became impossible to ignore as she was nearly at the entryway.

"Reynolds!" I whispered, he turn his attention back to me as I stomped over, "Go distract your Queen, anything you have to do." He gave me a prompt nod once more and hustled out the door just before Charlotte could walk through. I could hear their chatter outside the door as I finished placing things back in order, I could hear her sweet voice demanding to see me with a mix of frustration and worry. I was so nervous when she was near, nervous at the prospect of her seeing me unravel, or fear me. I could hear Reynolds failing in his task as I took in large amounts of air, trying to steady the shallowness of oxygen. Charlotte moved passed Reynolds with a swift command and pushed open the doors only to see me intently staring at Venus up in the sky. I moved around my telescope and saw her face alive with rage and confusion.

"Please tell me this not what you have been doing," she asked with her mouth drawn in a line and my face attempting to remain happy and unfazed.

"I have been studying the sky, I told you when we first met about my dedication to science," I began, trying to find a way to rationalize all of this without telling her the truth.

"You mean to tell me, why I was rotting alone, you were...here, studying the sky?!" Charlotte exclaimed, anger pushing out the fondness. I was at a loss for words, not sure what to say to help remedy the situation. I looked between her and the heavens, opening my arms and gesturing to the telescope.

"Would you like to see?" I asked, a smaller smile replacing the one I wore before. Her eyes narrowed as she scoffed.

"George I do not want to look at the sky with you." She took a few more paces toward me, "I want to talk to you, I want to fight with you, I want you to become enraged that I am upset." She was closer now, a mere foot or two away from my instep and my body began to grow hot.

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