5: Carriage Ride

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George had been struggling particularly hard lately, the madness coming in from the heavens had been difficult to ignore. Parliament has grown restless waiting for the king to make a speech, and show them his devotion to England. Each time he put the pen to the paper and began writing the tremor would emerge, not only pausing his ability to write but his ability to see and breathe. Each time I was there I attempted to drown him in my love, and to not worry about his sanity but rather his happiness and it appreared to be doing some good. It would distract him enough for the stresses being king implored and turned his devotion onto our growing family.

There was only so long I could hold both parliament and princess Augusta off for before they became increasingly dangerous to our crown. It became clear George needed to speak with parliament sooner rather than later if he was to remain in control of the government.

It was a morning in late May, and the birds had woken us up early. Turning to my side I saw George sound asleep with tiny pieces of his hair jetting off in different directions from the sleep he most certainly enjoyed. I ran my fingers along his forehead and moved the pieces blocking my sight of him out of the way. I felt him shift awake and reach up for my hand that was now laced in his hair fully and giving him gentle scratches along his scalp. He always liked that.

He opened his eyes and dropped his hand, relishing the massage I was giving him, "Good morning, Charlotte." He was mumbling, voice still heavy with sleep.

A smile spread across my face, "Good morning, George." He reach out and grabbed my hips pulling me into him tighter. He patted my thigh and I lifted it up to his waist as he intertwined his leg between mine. Every time I was close to George, it did not feel close enough. It was quite a maddening thing, our love.

"So..," I began, trying to catch him at a particularly calm moment, "I know we have discusssed your attempts to speak with Parliment, but I believe we should try again."

He was blinking slowly, letting the sleep wear off of him, but his features hardened at the porposal, "Charlotte, you know I can't." It was devastating the defeat in his voice and the consistent realizations he has every day that his life will never be a normal one.

"I know, I know, but we have never tried me accompanying you," his eyes widened with concern.

"My mother would never allow-", he tried to explain but I was tired of his mother possessing more control over the crown than us.

"It does not signify," I said plainly, anger creeping in, "Parliment already dislikes me for my physical appearance, what more could they have to say about my manners."

George smiled, he knew I was right, "Perhaps I need someone to steady me." I gave him a reassuring nod and moved my hand out of his hair and to the side of his face, letting my palm rest on his ear. I gave him a soft kiss, which he returned my sprinkling more kisses down my neck.

"All right then," I said, pushing uis head deeper into my neck with satisfaction, "Let us get ready!" I exclaimed with excitement trying to push up off the bed only to have George push me down with his body weight with a groan as he continued on my neck.

"No, we will have plenty of time after we address Parliment," I said as he lifted his head to gaze at me, "Perhaps to celebrate?" I whisper seductively on his lips and he smiles before returning a quick kiss.

"You are a rare jewel," he said and pushed up off of me, "Come my queen, we have many a duty to fulfill today!" He jokingly extended his hand with a most serious expression.

"Let us go!" I said mimicking his excitement and moving off the bed.

George POV:

I was beyond nervous, the speech I wrote weeks before today was clutched in my hand as Reynolds helped to fasten the last of my medals to my jacket and repositioned the embroidered crest. His hands finally stopped their work and i couldn't sit still, my feet began to pace back and forth along the sides of the room and concern grew on Reynold's face.

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