2 . visit

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Luke got a message from Din asking if he could come visit tomorrow. He replied with: YES ofc! He was very exited and a little nervous to see the mandalorian again.

He's looking for Grogu to tell him about his father. He looks in Grogu's room but he isn't there than in the kitchen but he isn't there either. 

A little later Luke finally found Grogu by the lake hunting on frogs again 

"Hey Grogu stop i told you not to do that!"

"But yummy." Says Grogu using the force while putting another one in his little mouth."

Luke pulled the frog out of Grogu's mouth.

"No more eating frogs otherwise im gonna have to put you in time out!"

Grogu sadly coos.

"Oh and your dad, he's coming to visit tomorrow." luke says while smiling like an idiot.    

"PATOO?!" Grogu says very happy         


The next day

Din woke up on 9.02 AM. He got dressed and walked over to his mirror.

"Today is the big day din you can do this its not that big of a deal its just the kid, the blond jedi and some other's that are like the kid."

Din sights and tries to think nothing of it.

He goes to the Razor Crest gets in the cockpit and flies to the adres the jedi has given him its on Yavin 4.


luke is making sure everything is cleaned up and perfect. They haven't had any guests except for the parents of the other kid's 

"Kids i need you to not break anything within now and 60 minutes, and please don't make a mess because for the ones of you that didn't know Grogu's father is visiting today."

"Master luke you've said this at least a hundred times." says one of the children.

Luke say's: " Did i?"

"Yes." a few childen said in choir.


Suddenly a ship started landing next to the temple.

Grogu happy coos and sprints to the ship

The Mandalorian steps out of his ship his armour is verry dirty there's dust all over it and his ship looks broken


"Hello kid i've missed you." Din feels a little happy tear dripping down his cheek. Din presses the forehead of his beskar helm to the kids forehead.

Luke and the other younglings walk towards Din and Grogu. 

"Hi Din." Luke says while smiling.

 "Hello jedi." Din says while holding Grogu close to his chest.

"Nah just call me Luke." The younglings were a bit confused because there parents had to call him Skywalker, but none of them said somthing because Luke told them this trough the force. "If any of you call me out on that one no more snacks for the rest of the week!"

"What happend?" Luke says while looking curious at the broken Razor crest and the dirty armour. 

"Its a little embarrassing i wasn't careful enough i flied trough a battlefield and kinda got hit."

"That's not great, do you think it can still fly?"

"No i don't think so."

"Do you know how to fix it?"

"Yes and i also have the right spare parts for it but i need some time."

"You could stay here for a bit if you want to, so you can fix your ship." Luke really wanted him to stay and he's lucky enough to have a good excuse for it.

"Yea that would be very nice." Din thinks luke is pretty cool he really wanted to get to know him a bit more and now he has a good reason for it.

A little bit later Luke let the mandalorian and his son spend some alone time. He walked over to his meditation room even tho he uses it more as a thinking room. The room is beige and white with plants everywhere, there's a big round white mat in the middle of the room. 

Luke sits cross-legged down in the middle of the room. He thinks about Din about why he liked him, than he started talking to himself

"Gosh Luke why the heck do you like this man its strongly forbidden to have these feelings so why do you like him."

Luke starts to make a list of things he likes about Din in his head

1. his aura feels safe 

2. he's so nice and sweet

3. he's pretty

"Geez Luke you like this man but can't think of more than 3 things you like about him!" He takes a deep breath to calm down. 


Grogu decides to give his father a tour of the temple. Grogu waddles before Din and is showing every room he is aloud to be in.

They enter Grogu's bedroom, its pretty big for such a little goblin the room is beige with red accents than Grogu picks up his lightsaber.

"Kid be careful with that, i know you've touched that lasersword before but than the jedi was there and i don't know how it works."


And of course Grogu turns it on "KID NO TURN IT OFF!"

Grogu runs trough the hallways of the temple and Din follows him in the hope to stop the kid before he has the chance to break something. "KID STOP!" Grogu continues running with a big smile on his face.

Than Grogu runs into Luke 

"What no Grogu turn it off immediately!" And grogu keeps running, Luke and Din follow him until there outside in the garden. 

Grogu stops and turns to Luke and Din.

"Kid put it down." Din says

Spoiler alert he doesn't put it down

Din turns to Luke "Jedi's can do some space magic thing to make things fly right?"

"Well the problem is he's really strong with the force."

"Well its not like he'd listen to us so what do we do now?"

Grogu still stares at them with a naughty smiling face 

"One of us is wearing beskar." Luke says

Din stares at luke feeling a defeated but Luke's got a point so he goes: "Fair enough." And carefully tries to take the lightsaber from Grogu, but Grogu force jumps over Din and run's away the forrest in Din run's after him "DANG FARRIK! COME BACK GROGU!" 

About an hour later Din finally managed to get the laser sword from Grogu.


word count: 980

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