3 . Mesh'la

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Luke and The Younglings are meditating in there outside meditating spot.

"Are we done yet Master Luke? I'm soooo hungry." says one of the padawans for the thousands time today 

"Okay okay we're done." 

"Wynn can you take them to the kitchen and get them something to eat?" Luke asks to Wynn. because she is the oldest and most responsible one (she doesn't mind being responsible.)

"I need to continue meditating and not too many snacks." Luke says.

"Yes master Luke." 

Grogu is the only youngling that stays.

"Is everything all right Grogu?" 

"alright i am but you are alright?" Grogu asks truth the force "You stressed out seem."

"I'm alright Grogu im just a little bit confused with my feeling lately."

Grogu confusedly coos.

Luke sights and lies down in the grass next to Grogu "Its your father. I dont know why but i have these feelings when im with him."

Grogu is a bit comfused but he's happy that his teacher brought his father up

"jeez i cant believe that i have to explain to my student that i have a crush on his father."  Luke murmurs to himself with his hands covering his face in shame.

Grogu climbs on Luke's chest and peeks over Lukes face in hope to get an explanation of why he's covering his face and what a crush means.

"Okay grogu so your father Din, well i like him. i like like him."

Grogu is still a bit confused but he thinks he knows what his teacher is trying to say. He happy coos and smiles still almost sitting on Luke's face.

"BUT WHATEVER YOU DO DONT TELL HIM!" Luke says shortly after.

Grogu is confused now again "okay" Grogu says trough the force 


Din is still on Yavin 4. He's near the temple trying to fix his ship, but he stops when he hears the younglings running to the kitchen of the jedi temple. 

He turns around to see if Grogu is there, but than he sees Grogu with Luke in there meditation spot.

He walks to them 

"Hello." Din greets.

"Oh Hi" Luke says while still lying down with Grogu on his chest.

Luke tries to sit up but Grogu doesn't let him.

"Grogu let me sit up"

"nwhaa!" Grogu says angry 

Din lays down next to Luke and Grogu. "how did the jedi cross leg session go?"

Grogu climes over to his dad's chest

"Its called meditating, and yes it went well. How is your ship?"

"Yea im sorry about that, so i underestimated the state of the ship i am lucky that i have all the spare parts needed but it is gonna cost some time."

"You can stay as long as you want so you dont have to worry about that."

"Thanks mesh'la." He let the last part just slip out he instantly regrets it and feels so stupid for letting that slide out.

Luke feels Din's regret and shame trough the force"Wait what did you call me?" Luke asks with a curious smile on his face.

"Nothing." Din says very fast. He feels his whole face go red 

"You've got to tell me now." 

"If you shut up about it now than maybe i will tell you later."

Luke is a bit disappointed, he is very curious what his new nickname means.


After Din tucked Grogu in and read him a story he walks to the sofa by the tv where Luke is sitting.

"Hi." Luke greets

"Hey." Din says hoping that the jedi isn't gonna bring the whole mesh'la thing up.

"So about this afternoon in the meditation spot."

kriff, kriff, kriff Din thinks "Yea what about it?"

"What does mesh'la mean? after you said i needed to shut up to know it later i did shut up, and now its later."

Din just stands there in award silence he knew he needed to tell him someday, and he knew the longer he waits the more hassle he'd get from Luke.

"Umm well, its mando'a its the language of my people."

"Yes but what does it mean?"

"It mean beautiful." Din said as fast as he could, he feels his face getting as red as a tomato and he just stands there wishing he could just melt in to the floor.

Luke just looks at him with a surprising look on his face , he thought it ment idiot or something. Than his face got red not as bad as din's but still very red.

a little later Luke finally responded with a silent: "Thanks." just loud enough for Din to hear it.


Yippie they're gay who could've guessed.

Word count: 737

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