4. Leia

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Luke woke up he looked at the clock "dang farrik." he told himself after he'd seen that it was 11.00 am.

He rushed out of bed to get himself dressed wondering if the younglings had set something on fire. He sprinted to the living room but there were no children and there was no mess. Than he went to the kitchen to look if they took over that but also no younglings there. But than he saw something moving outside in the corner of his eye.

He sees Din with all the younglings, there playing a game everyone is running around and hitting each other with sticks. The kid's seem to really like the new game.

Luke looks at Din with dreamy eyes for a moment thinking about how he called him beautiful yesterday, he's a bit surprised that he know's how to keep the younglings busy.

Than he finally walks up to them.

Din doesn't notice him because he is busy outrunning the kid's with sticks

"I AM SO SORRY I OVERSLEPT." Luke says in total panic.

"Oh, hi." Din stoppes running and now there are 10 children beating his knees with sticks.

"And whats all this about?" Luke asks with a grin on his face.

"Just a game they were planning on raiding the kitchen, so i made up a game to keep them busy."

"Thank you and i'm so sorry i overslept." 

"Its okay." 

Luke feels that Din realy means it but he still says "No its not okay you realy shouldn't have to watch over them."

"But i did and its okay, if i didn't want to watch over them i would've woken you up."

"Fair enough." 

"Stop it now." Din says to the younglings

 "awww okay." The younglings said in choir. "Can we get lunch now Master Luke?"  "Yea i'm starving." "yes can we get lunch pleaseee?"

"Well it is a bit early for lunch but its okay with me we can have a early lunch today."

"Ohhh the weather is really nice can we have a picnic?" One of the kid's asked

"Sure." Luke says

a little bit later they all set up a picnic blanket with food 

Luke sat next to the mandalorian and Grogu The mandalorian has been there for almost a week Luke really doesn't want him to go.

Everyone was eating there lunch except for the mandalorian because of his helmet. Grogu offered him a piece of fruit to Luke's surprise Din accepted it.

Din lifted his helmet just enough to see his chin, mouth and moustache he ate the piece of fruit and lowered his helmet right after he ate it.

Luke wished he could see Din's full face he has seen it before but they didn't know each other back than.

"My ship is almost finished." Din says.

"Oh." Luke says sadly. "You will be visiting more right?"

"I'd love to, if thats alright with you?" 

"Of course thats alright with me otherwise i wouldn't be asking that."

"Thank you." 

All of the sudden Luke gets a call form his sister. 

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