Chapter 3

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Orochimaru walked through the compound with the utmost glee on his face.

Sasuke was working harder, getting better, faster, and stronger with his training.

He was improving now more than ever and he had it all to thank for that blonde Omega.

Naruto had already proven himself useful and Orochimaru didn't even have to threaten him with anything.

It made him suspicious but he knew Sasuke wouldn't try and do anything.

Naruto's heat was approaching and he could make it very dangerous for the blonde. Sasuke knew it.

It didn't take much to restrain a rut-stricken Alpha. Sasuke also knew that.

Just before he made a turn into his office a scent caught his attention.

He looked down the hall and took another sniff.

He growled in frustration and walked down the hall, following the scent.

And what did he find?

Karin Uzumaki trying to open Sasuke's bedroom door.

He grabbed the beta by her hair and pulled her down the hall kicking and screaming.

He was pissed.

Karin knew the repercussions that she would face if she tried anything with Naruto.

If Naruto got hurt Sasuke's Alpha instincts would push him to relocate and he couldn't take the chance that it would be another village.

Karin was protesting and screaming the whole way.

Orochimaru threw her into his office and shut the door.

"Sit!" he ordered her.

Karin threw herself down into the chair with a huff and crossed her arms.

"Do you have any idea what you could have just caused?" He asked.

"What? Getting that stupid Omegan whore out of my den?" Karin asked with a glare.

"Causing Sasuke to relocate both himself and his Omega," Orochimaru said.


"If you had hurt Naruto, even scared him a little bit Sasuke would act. Do you know why Omega's who get attacked never get attacked again?" Orochimaru asked.

"No," Karin said with a frown.

"Because their Alpha, whether it be their father, their brother, or their partner will relocate so that the Omega is out of harm's way. Or in some extreme cases, they kill the offender. Now you and I both know Sasuke. What do you think he would do?" Orochimaru asked.

"Nothing because I wouldn't have hurt the Omega," Karin said.

"What would you have done?" Orochimaru asked.

"I would have killed him. Simple as that. Then Sasuke wouldn't be stuck with him," She said.

"You think that you could do that? You believe you could kill that Omega and everything will just work out fine for you?
One: if you did manage to get into that room Naruto's instincts to protect his den would have pushed him to kill you and given his history and the power he holds, he would have succeeded.
Second: if you did manage to kill him, Sasuke would have flown into a blind rage and ended you where you stood," Orochimaru said.

Uchiha's playthingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora