Chapter 2

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El's POV

The next day, Will and I had to go to school. I was nervous. I mean Will and I didn't know if Eli and Demetri wanted to see us or even if they wanted to be friends with us anymore.

As I walked into the school, my twin by my side, I nearly crashed into someone. I looked up and noticed it was the boy from yesterday with the same Mohawk. That's when I noticed his face. Wait a minute, he looks familiar. I thought.

Apparently the boy noticed me finally and was also looking like he noticed me. That's when I realized. "Eli?" I asked him. "El." Eli said before hugging me. We stayed like that for a second before Will cleared his throat. "Oh my god. Eli, is it really you? " Will asked.

"Hawk, who the hell are these people? " a Mexican boy said, walking up to us. "These are my best friends El and Will." "Ohh, them. Hawk and Demetri have told us a lot about you guys. " the Mexican boy told my brother and I.

I looked at Eli, confused. "They call me Hawk now. " he told us. "And who the heck is this?" Will asked, looking toward the Mexican boy. "I'm Miguel, one of Hawk's friends." He introduced.

All of a sudden, more people came up to Miguel and Eli, who I'm guessing are their other friends. "Hawk, Miguel, what you doing?" A girl with brown hair asked. "Aisha, this is El and Will, mine and Demetri's best friends since we were little." Eli told the girl. "Wait a second. El? Will?" A boy said. Will and I turned and saw a boy.

"Wait, Demetri?" Will and I asked at the same time. After a few seconds, I noticed Eli's hair.

It was like a bright blue and in a Mohawk, which would explain what I saw the day before and also why they all call him Hawk.

"We should all hang out after school. Sam and I were planning on going to the mall later, but maybe all of us can go." Miguel said. "We'll have to ask our mom, but sure." Will told him. Just then, the bell rang, meaning we all had to go to class, which reminded me that Will and I hadn't gotten our schedules yet. "Dang it." I said outloud. "What is it Eliie?" Eli asked. "Will and I haven't gotten our schedules yet." I told him. "I'll take you guys to the office." Eli said. "Thanks." I told him as we went to the principal's office.

"We need the schedules for Eleanor and Will Hopper." Eli told the Principal. "Alright,  here you go." The Principal told Eli as he handed him the schedules.

As we walked out, Eli said, "hey we have a few classes together." "Yay, that's good. Now we can spend most of the day together." I told him.

"Well here you go malady." Eli said, handing me my schedule. "Thank you kind sir." I said before giggling. We then made our way back to Will, Demetri, and Miguel  who were the only ones who weren't at class yet.

"There you guys are. You took forever. " Will said. "Whatever." Eli said, rolling his eyes. We then made our way to class.

After school, Will called our mom and asked her if it was okay if we go to the mall with Eli, Demetri, and our new friends and she said yes. We all then got into Aisha's car and she  drove us to the mall.

Sam, Aisha, and I went to a random store to look for clothes while the boys went to a different store. We all picked out cute outfits and then met up with the boys at the food court. "So what did you girls get at those stores?" Miguel asked. "Stuff. We'll show you later." Sam told them. "Well we were looking at stuff and Hawk got a new pair of shoes." Miguel told us. "Cool." I said. 

"We should all probably go home now." Aisha said. "Yeah. We don't wanna get in trouble." I agreed. "Come on, we can stay out a bit later." Eli encouraged. "I don't know, Eli.." Demetri started. "It's Hawk." Eli corrected him. "Whatever." Demetri said, rolling his eyes. 

We all then made our way to Aisha's car. 

When we got home, we had to watch a movie with our family. Will and I weren't too happy about it because Will wanted to draw and I wanted to read one of my books.  "Why do we have to watch this boring movie? We've already watched it like a million times." Will asked. "Well you guys don't have to watch it, but--" We interrupted my dad by hurrying upstairs to our rooms.

you're back: Eleven Hopper and Eli Moskowitzजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें