Chapter 3

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Eli's POV

When I got home, I layed down on my bed and had to process everything that happened today. El was back. That means I can finally tell her my feelings since I'm not a pussy anymore. I thought.

I was about to text El or Will, but then I realized I didn't have her phone number. We always talked on our mom's phones. That's when I decided I would sneak over to El's window. Hopefully she is still in her old room, or else it will be very awkward. I thought as I put on a hoodie, slipped on my shoes, and quietly opened my window.

I carefully snuck out the window, trying not to make much noise as I climbed to the tree in between our houses. I climbed to the window ledge, careful not to slip and fall. I saw the blinds were still open, so she could see me when I knocked.

El's POV

I had been reading a book I had recently bought, sitting in my pajamas on my bed, when suddenly, there was a knock on my window. A bit scared, I looked over and to my surprise saw Eli.

"Eli?" I asked, opening the window after putting my bookmark in my book and setting it down on my bed. "What are you doing here?" "I wanted to talk to you, but I realized neither one of us have each other's phone numbers." Eli told me, awkwardly. "Oh. Okay, weirdo." I told him as he climbed into my room.

" you still like reading, huh?" Eli asked, glancing at the book on my bed. That's when I noticed he had his hair down from the Mohawk. "Yeah. I've never stopped liking reading." I told him. "Hm, interesting." Eli said, sitting down on my bed, grabbing the book and opened it. "Eli, what are you doing?" I asked  about to grab the book from him.

Eli moved the book away with his hand when I tried to grab it. "Nuh uh. Not so fast, princess." He told me. Princess? Why the heck is he calling me that? I thought. "Because you're like  princess in my eyes." Eli told me. "Dang it, I forgot you can read minds." I told him as I watched him wipe the blood from his nose.

Suddenly, Will teleported into my room. "Will! What the heck," I asked in confusion and shock. "Ooh, I see your boyfriend's over." Will teased.

"He's not my boyfriend," I told him, blushing from embarrassment."Now get out." "If I do, I'll tell mom and dad you snuck a boy over." Will told me, wiggling his eyebrows at me. "You better not."I warned.

" Fine, I won't tell." Will said, sincerely. "You promise?" I asked, warningly. "Yes I promise. Now have fun talking with your boyfriend. " Will said, sticking his tongue out at me before teleporting away.

"Ugh, stupid Will. " I muttered, forgetting Eli was there for a second. "I don't understand why you like this book. It seems so boring." Eli complained. "Just because it's not Harry Potter, you don't think it's interesting?" I asked, taking the book from him.

"For your information, Eleanor, I don't like nerd shit like Harry Potter anymore. " Eli said. "What? You don't like Harry Potter anymore," I asked, sitting down on my bed next to Eli. "We always used to watch all the Harry Potter movies all the time and we loved it."

"Yeah, well I don't like it anymore. " Eli told me, making me feel sad. "Well, do you still like reading comic books at least?" I asked, with a little hope Eli was still a little the same as he was.

"Nope. That's for nerds too." Eli told me. I looked from him to the floor, sadly. He doesn't like the same things anymore. I thought. "Wait, did I make you upset?" Eli asked.  I didn't answer him.

"Ellie, I'm sorry, but I'm different now. Not a loser or a nerd anymore." Eli told me  putting a hand on my shoulder. "Yeah, well while you changed, I stayed pretty much the same." I told him, tears in my eyes.

Eli's POV

I didn't mean to make her sad, I was just telling her how it is. That I'm different now. I didn't mean to make her cry.

"El I didn't mean to make you cry. I'm sorry. " I told her. She didn't wanna look at me, which was a sign she was sad. "Ellie, look at me." I told her, moving her face to look at me with my hand. " I'm sorry, please don't be mad at me." I told her, wiping some of her tears away.

She moved my hand away before saying, "I'm not mad Eli. I'm just disappointed you're not the same as before. " "okay, good thing you're not mad at me." I told her. "I could never be mad at you. " she told me. We both moved a bit closer, before I told her, "I should probably go home. We have school tomorrow. "

"Yeah. I think I'll go to sleep soon. " she replied. I then made my way to the window and before I left, I said, "Goodnight El, see you tomorrow. " "night Eli. " El replied as I snuck back out the window.

you're back: Eleven Hopper and Eli MoskowitzOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora