Chapter 5

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El's POV

The next day, I woke up with Eli's arms wrapped around my waist and my head on his chest. I lifted up my head and smiled a little bit at his sleeping face. I decided I was comfortable, so I put my head back down on his warm chest.

A little while later, Eli woke up. "El." "Hm?" "You awake?" I lifted up my head and I immidietally started laughing. "What?" I rolled over and laughed even more. "What are you laughing about?" Eli said, chuckling. After I caught my breath, I said, "Your mohawk is all squished." I then began laughing again.

"Shut up. It's not my fault I couldn't take it out last night." He said. "you look silly." I then started laughing again. I then stopped when I realized something. Eli saw the look on my face and asked, "What's wrong?" "We forgot about school." I told him. "Chill, we can miss one day of school. Besides, I wanna spend time with you again. Like we used to. Like go to--" "Golf 'n stuff." We both said at the same time.  I giggled. "Fine. We need to fix your hair first though, because it looks ridiculous." "Okay. Then I need to sneak to my house to get dressed." He replied. "Okay."

I finished helping Eli put up his hair in the Mohawk, spraying it with hair spray, so it would hold. "Thanks." Eli said, looking up at me from the chair at my desk. To be honest, he looked a little cute like that. "Your welcome." I told him. I then smiled a little. "Actually, instead of golf 'n stuff, I heard there was a carnival in town. Maybe we can go there instead." Eli told me, giving me that look again. "Okay."

As I was looking through my closet for something to wear, Eli said, "Hey, I have a hoodie like that." "Really? Maybe we can be matching today. If it's not too nerdy for you." I suggested, a hint  of sarcasm in my voice. "Yeah, we can be matching today." "Wait, really?" I asked, unsure if he was serious or not. "I'm sure." "Well in that case, we should wear the same color pants and shoes too then." "Alright," Eli made his way over to the window. "I'll go get dressed, then I'll come back and show you what I'm wearing." "Okay"

Eli then exited through the window and came back a few minutes later wearing a black pullover hoodie with black sweatpants and black converse. "Okay, now I'll get dressed." I told him, grabbing the same items in my closet that was similar to what he was wearing, then going into the bathroom to change.While I was in there, I brushed my teeth and did my hair.

"Ready to go?" Eli asked as I exited the bathroom. "Yep." I told him. "Let's go then." He said as we slowly crept downstairs, before I realized Johnathan and my mom and dad were at work. I bursted out laughing and Eli shushed me. "Eli, everyone is at work and Will's at school." I told him, still laughing. He began to laugh too as we made our way to the front door.

When we got there, Eli payed for tickets and we walked inside. "What should we do first?" Eli asked. I looked around and my eyes landed on a ride. "Can we go on that ride first?" I asked. "Sure." We stayed there all day, or until an hour before school ended, so when Will got home, he wouldn't be suspicious of me. If anyone asked where we were all day, we decided on telling them we weren't feeling well.

Before we left, Eli found a photo booth and begged me to go take pictures with him. We took a smiling one, a goofy faced one, one with both of us just looking at each other, one where Eli was tickling me, so we were both laughing when the picture was taken. With one of the last ones, I decided I would kiss Eli's cheek. In the last picture, Eli kissed my cheek since I did it to him.

"Oooh, these look so good." I said, taking the pictures from the machine. Eli then stoof behind me, leaning over to look at them too. "Yeah, they do." I turned around and we were really close, like so close I could almost feel his body heat.  I then felt my face heat up from how close we were.

We had another moment like when we watched Scream with our friends. He tucked a loose piece of hair behind my ear. He kept his hand there for a minute, before leaning forward slightly. I did the same, but then I told him, "We should probably go home now, before Will gets home so he won't get suspicious."

"Yeah, you're right." Eli said, backing away from me, slightly. We then started walking towards the exit of the carnival. "I had fun today." I said as we walked. "Me too. By the way, we should split those pictures. You get half and I get half." "Okay, deal." I said, pulling out the pictures from my pocket. I then split it in half and handed him the  first ones and I got the others.

"No fair, I want the ones where we're kissing each other's cheeks." Eli complained. "Well too bad." I stuck my tongue out at him. "Oh, you're gonna regret that, princess." "What you gonna do, beat me up?" I joked and Eli gave me a smirk. "I was just kidding." I said as he gave me a weird look. He then started walking towards me. "Eli I said I was just kidding, I didn't mean it." I told him.

He then grabbed me by the waist and pulled me closer to him. I blushed as he then whispered in my ear, "I know." I pushed him back a little and he said, "Oh, now you're really gonna regret that." I then began to run, with him chasing behind me. Eventually, I got out of breath and Eli grabbed me from behind and picked me up. "Hey, put me down." I protested.

He eventually let go, after I wiggled in protest. I then turned around to face him as we reached our houses. He tucked another loose piece of hair behind my ear, then said, "see you later, princess." He then kissed me on the cheek before walking over to his house, leaving me confused. I then decided to go back inside my house, processing what happened.

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