Drink It - 03/28/23 - Synopsis + Teaser

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TW: Blood/ indication of violence 

ANNOUNCEMENT~ The idea of this story came from a song (hint the name). I've actually written/started on many fantasy-like stories over the years but this is my first with a "vampire" theme.

 I got so excited to write this that I created an actual story outline/plot line (I literally never do this and that's probably the main reason I always end up getting writers block). I will work to improve by doing story outlines instead of just writing whatever comes to mind with no thoughts on how I want the story to progress or end...

So anyway...with this outline, I have already planned out the entire book and just simply need to put the pieces together. That being said... I do plan on posting this particular story at some point, I just need to write a few more chapters (basically to make sure i'm going to have the motivation to actually finish it). 

This story in particular is going to be one of the most difficult stories I have written. Plot twists, arcs, and character developments - along with trying to simplify the idea of 2 different timelines (spoiler?? :0 )... it's a struggle T-T  But...I will not give up, so please look forward to it :)

Without further interruptions, here is the synopsis & teaser for an upcoming story: "Drink It". 


Arlo has always felt different, especially from his older brother - Amedeo. After meeting another pair of brothers: Enzo and Lazlo - things take a turn for the worst. Upon meeting the two, Arlo starts having nightmares that feel like deja vu of a dark former life. Is the meeting of the two pairs the beginning of another cursed ending, or will Arlo be able to escape his ill-fate this time? With twists around every corner and no one being what they seem, it won't be an easy task. 

TEASER (Spoiler??):

"Enzo?" I whisper. I can barely recognize his outline in the dark corner. I hear him breathing, heavily and quickly.

"Enzo, are you okay?" I take another careful step towards him. There is something wet on the floor, like someone had spilled water everywhere. Had a pipe burst? A roof leak from the storm the night before?

"Arlo...?" Enzo calls quietly, his voice shaking with his heavy breaths.

"It's me. Why is it so dark? What happened?" I ask. I slip, falling to my knees. My hands land in a wet spot and automatically shoot back up. It was...warm.

"Arlo...please...leave." He growls lowly from the corner. He makes a strange noise, something between a choke and a cough.

"Go get Lazlo," he says sternly.

"What...?" I ask, the hair on the back of my neck stands up suddenly.

"Get my brother. You and Amedeo should leave." he whispers. I wipe my hand off on my shirt and grab my phone from my pocket, turning on the flashlight.

"Tell him... I wasn't strong enough." he says. I shine the light on the floor, a horrible crimson color reflects back. My hand trembles as I raise my light towards the corner of the room where Enzo's outline sways slightly.

The light reveals Enzo's red-stained clothes. He's facing the wall, crouched with his arms wrapped around him. His whole body shivers as he rocks back and forth, his black hair dripping with sweat. His head turns towards me slightly.

It's just enough for me to see the blood dripping from his chin, his unnaturally dark eye meets mine and I freeze. His face is twisted into a scowl but his eyes are pleading.

"What... have you done?" I ask, my voice no more than a whimper. A tear falls down his cheek, and that is all the answer I need. My body moves on its own: stumbling backwards until I regain my footing, then I run towards the back door. I need to get as far away as possible.

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