country v. redneck

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Many people like to call themselves "redneck" when in reality, they couldn't be farther from the truth. People believe wearing camo, plaid and boots automatically makes you a redneck. The term was initially used to describe people who worked all day in a field or on a farm under the hot sun for hours on end to support their families, therefore, getting red necks. These people used to be respectable, but nowadays, they are considered people with no education and/or intelligence, living out in the middle of nowhere, doing nothing but getting drunk and high on who knows what and are always dipping, and have no sense of propriety or dignity. They shoot anyone and anything that moves that they don't recognize. They are no longer the working men who'd give the shirt off their backs.

On the other hand, country folk are what used to be the rednecks. They're hospitable, but wary of outsiders. It also does not depend on what you wear, but the way you were raised.

Can I just say, it really annoys me when people see me wearing bootcut jeans, a plaid shirt, big belt buckle and boots and automatically think "redneck." I'm not redneck. Learn what you're talkin bout before you go calling someone or even yourself something you're not. The common way to tell people the difference is "class versus trash."

If you disagree, feel free to let me know. I don't run into too many rednecks and live in the city (unfortunately).

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