Chapter Two |Trouble Again|

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I walked in the cafeteria feeling like all eyes were on me. I walked to a table where no one was sitting at and sat there myself. I didn't eat anything cuz school lunch sucks so I just looked around staring at a few girls as they walked by. I so happen to come across "Avery" who was talking to some guy who looked like they were having a deep conversation. She seems to already have a problem with me and I don't know why. I mean I didn't do anything ,but for her...she just started things just so she could talk to me. I know it.


I TRIED to explain things to Kiron, but he just wouldn't take me seriously. He kept saying how I wasn't the type of person to just up and like some one that easily. I couldn't blame him tho. he was right,I don't usually like people at all but it was something about Chris that made me want to change...well at least just a little

" Kiron , you know I wouldn't say something like this if I didn't mean it. " I tried to explain but he just ignored me continued eating his food. I rolled my eyes and got up to walk away

" Avery stop being a baby " he said still sitting while talking to me. I just looked at him then turned and walked outside where more people were eating


After lunch I decided to skip class and go to the auditorium. I couldn't dare to see Kiron since he's also in my fourth period. For some reason the auditorium was a place where I could clear my head. It was very quiet and no one there to interrupt me from anything. I didn't mind if I got in trouble I was gonna get in trouble either way it went before the day was over

I walked over to the very first seat on the right in the front to sit and think. I turned my head to see Chris sitting on the left side of the first seat also in front

" What are you doing in here? " I asked crossing my arms

" Maybe the same reason why you are. I come here just to be alone and to think straight " he said very calmly

"Oh" I looked away taking a seat

" So what happened? Your boyfriend made you mad or something? " he asked after a few seconds

" I don't have a boyfriend thank you very much " I said trying to block him out so I could think

" Oh word?! " He said sounding a bit surprised and excited but then quickly changed

" I mean that's cool you not that cute anyway " he said hiding his face as he began to smile a little

" Oh whatever I look better than you " I playfully said loosing focus. Then it got awkwardly quiet between us

" Can I be honest with you? " He said after a while breaking the silence

" I is only me and you in here " I said looking at him

" Well the auditorium really helps me focus on the type of music I wanna make when I get in the industry..I don't know why it just does " he said not staring at me once

" That's kinda weird " I say laughing a little then stop when I saw how serious he was

" I don't see what's funny! " He said walking over to me

" Dude chill out its not that serious " I said standing. now we were face to face. He looked down at me and I looked up at him. low key I wanted to wrap my arms around him and kiss him but that's not the type of person I am. I don't like to show my feelings , for no one.

He backed up and just stared at me. It was awkward so I decided to sit down while he kept staring at me

" One thing you should know about me is that I really hate people staring at me " I said as he continued to stare. It took everything in me not to say anything else. I just looked away and blushed. The more he continued to stare at me made me want him more and to punch him for not listening

" Ok it's been awkward enough I think we should leave now " I said grabbing my bag and walking past him but he grabbed my arm

" Wait!...Im leaving too " he released my arm and grabbed his bag as we walked out the doors



I don't know how long I could take this I know she wanted me and I clearly wanted her, but both us wouldn't dare say who liked who. And plus we can't even be nice to each other for once. I've noticed how she would blush from the way I looked at her, and how she would try to say something random just to get out of awkward moments, but all I know is I'm not gonna be the first one to confess

As we walked through the halls we went straight to Mr. Dons office. Its funny to me how we think alike. You would never think a "Girl" could be as bad as she is now . I liked it tho, it was a big turn on. 🌚

We walked in his office without saying a word. He was about to say something but then thought about it before telling us to sit down

" Avery and Chris..not surprised to see you too in here again " he said looking back and forth at us

" And what a coincidence your teacher just called and told me that you too were missing from her class, so tell me..where exactly were you too? " he asked crossing his arms leaning back in his seat

I looked at Avery as she looked at me. I wasn't gonna tell cuz if I did they would make sure they kept a really good eye on the auditorium and I hoped Avery wouldn't say anything as well

" We were just roaming the halls not bothering to go to class " She said with no hesitation. She was a pro at lying. Impressive.

" Well I guess this is nothing new Im going to have to give you too after school detention " he said writing in his notes then handing us a paper that read " Avery and Chris would be attending after school detention tomorrow afternoon " with his signature at the bottom . I just looked at it then handed it to Avery as he started typing on his computer

" Well I guess you too can stay in here until the bell rings, but I know y'all better go to your last period " he said then the bell rung shortly after. I quickly got up without waiting for Avery I didn't want her to expect me to be around her all day


I sat down in my seat and tried my hardest not to be noticed by the teacher. People were staring mad hard at me like I've never been here; but when you think about it the first day of school when I got here I got In trouble in all my classes and wasn't allowed to go to my last one which is this class , so now I guess I understood

" Ok class this is Christopher Brown, he's a new student here " she said introducing me. I was mad how she put me on the spot like that like how in the world did she even see me I was all the way in the back. Some people remained quiet I'm guessing not really caring and others started mumbling to each other

" It's Chris! " I said after a few seconds

" My apologies Chris, I'm Ms. Wooden it's nice to have you in our class " she said then turned around to write something on the board beginning class. I just drifted into a deep thought then laid my head on the desk falling asleep


Quick question: Tell me what you think about AVERY & CHRIS 😋 and go read "Mood Switches " LIKE,COMMENT,VOTE

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